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nerdshark / gist:fecc1cf87cb0fd111aa93dbb9e003f89
Created November 12, 2016 16:33
falafel recipe modifications
nerdshark's modifications to the falafel recipe at
no parsley
instead of ground coriander, substitute one fistful of chopped cilantro, probably about 1/3 cup, or more if you really like cilantro. alternatively, for convenience, you might be able to use cilantro chutney or adobo cilantro (culantro) cooking base. just mind the moisture of the 'dough'
instead of flour, try to squeeze some moisture out of the soaked and ground chickpeas, the onions, and the cilantro. this will help the 'dough' stay together better without altering the flavor
2tsp or more of black pepper