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Created June 7, 2011 14:01
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class Controller_Admin extends \Controller {
protected $current_user = null;
protected $sortable = array(); // Used in action_sort for vars.
protected $filterable = array();
public function action_index()
// Display dashboard.
public function action_login()
// Do login and redirect.
public function action_logout()
// Logout and redirect.
// Convenience functions.
public function sort($sortable = null)
// Sort selections. Use $this->sortable array.
public function filter($filterable = null)
// Filter selections. Use $this->filterable array.
protected function _is_xhr()
// Return boolean: is this an ajax request?
protected function _process_multiple($key)
// Determine whether multiple entries are to be edited at once.
// Overrides
public function before()
// Check Auth.
// Set current user or guest.
public function router($resource, array $arguments = array())
$segments = array_shift(\Request::active()->uri->segments);
if ($modpath = \Fuel::add_module($segments[0]))
if (file_exists($modpath.$segments[1].'php'))
$request = \Request::factory(implode(DS, $segments), false)->execute();
$this->template->content = $request->response->body->content;
if (method_exists($this, "action_$resource"))
call_user_func_array(array($this, "action_$resource"), $arguments);
$this->response->status = 404;
class Model_Comment extends Orm\Model {
public static $_belongs_to = array('page');
public static $_has_one = array('author'); // Map to user.
public static $_properties = array(
'is_active' => array(),
'user_id' => array(),
'name' => array(),
'email' => array(),
'website' => array(),
'comment' => array(),
'ip_hash' => array(),
'type' => array(),
'type_id' => array(),
'created_on' => array(),
'updated_on' => array(),
'deleted_on' => array(),
class Controller_Admin_Pages extends Controller_Admin {
public function $filterable = array();
public function action_index()
// List pages.
public function action_preview($id = null)
// Preview page content.
public function action_create()
// Create new page.
public function action_edit($id = null)
// Edit page.
public function action_enable($id = null)\
// Enable page.
public function action_disable($id = null)
// Disable page.
private function _enable($id = null)
// Enable.
private function _disable($id = null)
// Disable.
class Model_Page extends Orm\Model {
public static $_has_one = array('layout');
public static $_has_many = array('comments');
public static $_properties = array(
'parent_id' => array(),
'layout_id' => array(),
'revision_id' => array(),
'restricted_to' => array(),
'order' => array(),
'created_on' => array(),
'updated_on' => array(),
'deleted_on' => array(),
'is_deleted' => array(),
'rss_enabled' => array(),
'comments_enabled' => array(),
'is_home' => array(),
'status' => array(),
'slug' => array(),
'title' => array(),
'uri' => array(),
'meta_title' => array(),
'meta_keywords' => array(),
'meta_description' => array(),
class Controller_Admin_User extends Controller_Admin {
protected $filterable = array();
// Index inherited from Controller_Admin
public function action_edit()
// Get $current_user info and edit info.
public function action_register()
// Registration form.
public function action_confirm()
// Confirmation of registration.
class Controller_Admin_Users extends Controller_Admin {
protected $filterable = array();
public function action_index()
// List users.
public function action_view($id = null)
// View user.
public function action_create()
// Create user.
public function action_edit($id = null)
// Edit user.
public function action_permit($id = null)
// Add or remove permissions from user.
public function action_activate($id = null)
// Activate user.
public function action_deactivate($id = null)
// Disable user.
public function action_delete($id = null)
// Delete user.
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