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Created October 3, 2011 19:16
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Save nerdsrescueme/1259964 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Storage and Encoding
namespace Atom\Encoder;
use Atom\Encodable;
class Base64 implements Encodable {
public function decode($data)
return base64_decode(unserialize($data));
public function encode($data)
return base64_encode(serialize($data));
/* End of file: base64.php */
namespace Atom;
interface Encodable {
public function decode($data);
public function encode($data);
/* End of file: encodable.php */
namespace Atom;
class Encoder {
public static function get($encodable)
// @TODO Allow other namespaces.
$encoder = new '\\Atom\\Encoder\\'.ucfirst($encodable);
catch(\Exception $e)
throw new \OutOfBoundsException("Encoder [$encodable] does not exist.");
// @TODO New namespaces added, add instanceof \Atom\Encodable check
return $encoder;
/* End of file: encoder.php */
namespace Atom\Storage;
use Atom\Storable;
class File implements Storable {
protected $_path;
private $_append = false;
public function __construct($path, $create = false)
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('The file ['.str_replace(LIBRARY_PATH, 'LIBRARY_PATH', $path).'] does not exist.');
throw new \Exception('The file ['.str_replace(LIBRARY_PATH, 'LIBRARY_PATH', $path).'] could not be created.');
$this->_path = $path;
public function append($data)
$this->_append = true;
return $this->write($data);
public function delete()
return unlink($this->path);
public function read()
return file_get_contents($this->_path);
public function write($data)
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('The file ['.str_replace(LIBRARY_PATH, 'LIBRARY_PATH', $this->_path).'] is not writable.');
$flags = LOCK_EX;
$this->_append = false; // Reset append
return file_put_contents($this->path, $data, $flags);
namespace Atom\Encoder;
use Atom\Encodable;
class Json implements Encodable {
public function decode($data)
return json_decode($data);
public function encode($data)
return json_encode($data);
/* End of file: json.php */
namespace Atom\Encoder;
use Atom\Encodable;
class Passthrough implements Encodable {
public function decode($data)
return $data;
public function encode($data)
return $data;
/* End of file: passthrough.php */
namespace Atom\Encoder;
use Atom\Encodable;
class Serialize implements Encodable {
public function decode($data)
return unserialize($data);
public function encode($data)
return serialize($data);
/* End of file: serialize.php */
namespace Atom;
interface Storable {
public function __construct($identifier, $create);
public function append($data);
public function delete();
public function read();
public function write($data);
/* End of file storable.php */
namespace Atom;
class Storage {
public static function get($storable, $identifier, $create = false)
// @TODO Allow other namespaces.
$storage = '\\Atom\\Storage\\'.ucfirst($storable);
$storage = new $storage($identifier, $create);
catch(\Exception $e)
throw new \OutOfBoundsException("Storage type [$storable] does not exist.");
// @TODO Namespaces added, add instanceof \Atom\Storable check.
return $storage;
/* End of file: storage.php */
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    $storage = \Atom\Storage::get('file', 'path/to/file.ext');
    $value = $storage->read();

    $encoded_value = \Atom\Encoder::get('json')->encode($value);

    $storage->append('New value to the end of the file.');

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