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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Save neremin/1c0771c0c3beb0260d2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SharePoint's MultiChoice field extensions for Mappings. Tested on SP2013 Foundation.
/// <devdoc>
/// Based on Andrey Markeev's example
/// </devdoc>
public static class SPFieldMultiChoiceExtensions
public const string MultiValueSeparator = ";#";
private const string ValueAttributeName = "Value";
private const string MappingsElementName = "MAPPINGS";
private const string MappingElementName = "MAPPING";
public static string GetMappedKey<T>(this SPFieldMultiChoice field, T value, string resourceFile = ResourceFileNames.Core)
return GetMappingKeyByValue(field.Mappings, Convert.ToString(value), resourceFile);
public static string GetMappedValue<T>(this SPFieldMultiChoice field, T value, string resourceFile = ResourceFileNames.Core)
return GetMappingValueByKey(field.Mappings, Convert.ToString(value), resourceFile);
private static string GetMappingKeyByValue(string mappingsXml, string fieldMultiValue, string resourceFile)
return string.Join
mappingsXml, fieldMultiValue,
(m, value) => LocalizedEqual(m.Value, value, resourceFile)
.Select(m => m.Attribute(ValueAttributeName).Value)
private static string GetMappingValueByKey(string mappingsXml, string fieldMultiValue, string resourceFile)
return string.Join
mappingsXml, fieldMultiValue,
(m, value) => m.Attribute(ValueAttributeName).Value.Equals(value)
.Select(m => GetLocalizedValue(m.Value, resourceFile))
private static IEnumerable<XElement> SelectMappingNodes(string mappingsXml, string fieldMultiValue, Func<XElement, string, bool> mappingMatch)
var document = XDocument.Parse(mappingsXml);
var mappings = document.Element(MappingsElementName) ?? new XElement(MappingsElementName);
return fieldMultiValue.Split(new string[] { MultiValueSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(value => mappings.Elements(MappingElementName).FirstOrDefault(m => mappingMatch(m, value)))
;//.Where(foundMapping => foundMapping != null);
private static bool LocalizedEqual(string mappingValue, string value, string resourceFile)
return GetLocalizedValue(mappingValue, resourceFile).Equals(value);
private static string GetLocalizedValue(string mappingValue, string resourceFile)
if (mappingValue.TrimStart().StartsWith("$"))
return SPUtility.GetLocalizedString(mappingValue, resourceFile, (uint)Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.LCID);
return mappingValue;
public class SPFieldMultiChoiceExtensionsTests
private const string Delimiter = SPFieldMultiChoiceExtensions.MultiValueSeparator;
private const string NotStarted = "Not Started";
private const string InProgress = "In Progress";
private const string Completed = "Completed";
private const string Postponed = "Postponed";
private const string Waiting = "Waiting";
private const string mappingsXml =
<MAPPING Value=""1"">" + NotStarted + @"</MAPPING>
<MAPPING Value=""2"">" + InProgress + @"</MAPPING>
<MAPPING Value=""3"">" + Completed + @"</MAPPING>
<MAPPING Value=""4"">" + Postponed + @"</MAPPING>
<MAPPING Value=""5"">" + Waiting + @"</MAPPING>
Result = "3")]
[TestCase(NotStarted + Delimiter + Waiting,
Result = "1" + Delimiter + "5")]
[TestCase(Postponed + Delimiter + InProgress + Delimiter + Waiting,
Result = "4" + Delimiter + "2" + Delimiter + "5")]
public string GetMappedKey_finds_correct_values(string values)
using (ShimsContext.Create())
SPFieldMultiChoice field = new ShimSPFieldMultiChoice
MappingsGet = () => mappingsXml
return field.GetMappedKey(values);
Result = Completed)]
[TestCase("1" + Delimiter + "5",
Result = NotStarted + Delimiter + Waiting)]
[TestCase("4" + Delimiter + "2" + Delimiter + "5",
Result = Postponed + Delimiter + InProgress + Delimiter + Waiting)]
public string GetMappedValue_finds_correct_keys(string keys)
using (ShimsContext.Create())
SPFieldMultiChoice field = new ShimSPFieldMultiChoice
MappingsGet = () => mappingsXml
return field.GetMappedValue(keys);
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