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Created November 4, 2023 12:16
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import Data.Char ( isDigit )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bi
import Prelude hiding ( scope, lookup )
data BType = Open | Close
deriving Show
newtype Operator = Operator String
deriving(Show, Eq, Ord) -- Ord will be needed later
data Token = TOperator Operator
| TNumber Integer
| TBracket BType
deriving Show
compoundOperatorChars :: String
compoundOperatorChars = "+-*<>/!?"
tokenize :: String -> [Token]
-- Skipping the whitespaces
tokenize (h:t) | h `elem` " \t" =
tokenize t
-- Brackets
tokenize ('(':t) = TBracket Open : tokenize t
tokenize (')':t) = TBracket Close : tokenize t
tokenize (h:t) | h `elem` compoundOperatorChars =
TOperator compound : tokenize tail'
where (rest, tail') = span (`elem` compoundOperatorChars) t
compound = Operator $ h:rest
-- Parsing digits
tokenize (h:t) | isDigit h =
token : tokenize tail'
where (rest, tail') = span isDigit t
token = TNumber $ read (h:rest)
tokenize (h:t) = error $ "Unexpected char " ++ [h]
tokenize [] = []
-- Precedence store
type Precedence = Integer
data Store = Store { operators :: M.Map Operator Precedence
, scope :: M.Map Precedence Integer
, root :: M.Map Precedence Integer
deriving Show
splitMin :: Store -> Maybe (Precedence, Store)
splitMin (Store operators scope root) =
-- M.keys returns keys in the ascending order
-- so the first returned key is the least
case M.keys scope of
[] -> Nothing
key:_ ->
-- Here' we remove the least precedence from scope
-- if number of operators with that precedence is 1
-- or just subtract one, if there's more\
let scope' = M.updateWithKey f key scope
f _ v = if v == 1 then Nothing else Just (v - 1)
in Just (key, Store operators scope' root)
restoreRoot :: Store -> Store
restoreRoot (Store operators _ root) =
Store operators root root
lookup :: Operator -> Store -> Precedence
lookup op (Store operators _ _) =
case M.lookup op operators of
Just r -> r
Nothing -> error $ "No such operator" ++ show op
fromList :: [( Operator, Precedence )] -> Store
fromList list' =
let -- Construct map of operator:precedence
operators' = M.fromList list'
-- Create so-called "scope"
-- it's just map of precedence:number-of-operators
scope' = foldl f M.empty list'
f map' (op, prec') =
-- insert or add 1 to existing entry in the scope map
M.insertWith (+) prec' 1 map'
in Store operators' scope' scope'
-- AST
data Expr = EBinary Operator Expr Expr
| ENumber Integer
deriving Show
-- The function that will reduce two expressions to one
-- (perform binary operation)
type BinEvalFn = Operator -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
eval :: BinEvalFn -> Expr -> Integer
eval reduce_binary expr =
case expr of
EBinary operator lhs rhs ->
reduce_binary operator (eval' lhs) (eval' rhs)
ENumber number ->
where eval' = eval reduce_binary
-- Parser
type Tailed a = Maybe (a, [Token])
factor :: Store -> [Token] -> Tailed Expr
factor store (h:t) =
case h of
TNumber number -> Just ( ENumber number
, t
TBracket Open -> do
(expr, t') <- expression store t
case t' of
-- Expect next token to be a closing bracket
TBracket Close:t'' ->
Just ( expr
, t'' )
-- Fail if it isn't
_ -> Nothing
-- Unexpected token
_ -> Nothing
factor _ [] = Nothing
type ParseF = [Token] -> Tailed Expr
-- Function that consumes left hand side expression
-- and remaining tokens and returns pair of resulting expression and the tail
type FoldFn = Expr -> [Token] -> Tailed Expr
expression :: Store -> [Token] -> Tailed Expr
expression store =
-- Result of this case would be curried
-- So actually we return `[Token] -> Tailed Expr`
case splitMin store of
Just (precedence, whats_left) ->
-- We still have ways go to down
binary precedence $ expression whats_left
Nothing ->
-- Here we on the factor's precedence
factor $ restoreRoot store
binary :: Integer -> ParseF -> [Token] -> Tailed Expr
binary current_precedence parse tokens =
parse tokens >>= \(lhs, t) ->
case t of
-- Next token should be infix operator
TOperator operator:t' ->
-- If we're not parsing operator with that precedence
-- return only lhs
if lookup operator store == current_precedence then
-- Before we met first operator
foldlExpr lhs (leftFoldFn parse $ expectSameOp operator) t
Just ( lhs
, t )
-- Or it's just the end, for example:
-- 2: from + to * we got only factor
-- but it's still OK
_ -> Just ( lhs
, t )
leftFoldFn :: ParseF -> ([Token] -> Tailed Operator) -> Expr -> [Token] -> Tailed Expr
leftFoldFn parse expectOperator lhs tokens = do
(op, t) <- expectOperator tokens
(rhs, t') <- parse t
Just ( EBinary op lhs rhs
, t' )
expectSameOp :: Operator -> [Token] -> Tailed Operator
expectSameOp op (TOperator got_op:t)
| got_op == op = Just (got_op, t)
expectSameOp _ _ = Nothing
-- This is just modification of the standard `foldl`
-- Folds multiple expressions into one
foldlExpr :: Expr -> FoldFn -> [Token] -> Tailed Expr
foldlExpr expr fold_fn tokens =
case fold_fn expr tokens of
Just (expr', tail') ->
foldlExpr expr' fold_fn tail'
Nothing -> Just (expr, tokens)
defaultStore :: Store
defaultStore = fromList [(Operator "+", 1), (Operator "-", 1), (Operator "*", 2)]
parseText :: String -> Tailed Expr
parseText = expression defaultStore . tokenize
parseTextAsSExpr :: String -> Tailed String
parseTextAsSExpr =
fmap (Bi.first toSExpr) . parseText
toSExpr :: Expr -> String
toSExpr (EBinary (Operator op) lhs rhs) =
"(" ++ op ++ " " ++ toSExpr lhs ++ " " ++ toSExpr rhs ++ ")"
toSExpr (ENumber number) =
show number
evalText :: String -> Integer
evalText text =
case parseText text of
Just (tree, []) ->
eval evaluateBinary tree
Just (tree, t) ->
error $ "Failed to parse entire expr (" ++ toSExpr tree ++ "): tail is " ++ show t
Nothing ->
error "Failed to parse expression"
evaluateBinary op lhs rhs =
case op of
Operator "+" -> lhs + rhs
Operator "-" -> lhs - rhs
Operator "*" -> lhs * rhs
-- test it via ghci
-- :l result
-- evalText "2 + 2 * 2"
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