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Created January 14, 2020 11:24
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import System.Environment
data Token = Token
{ row :: Int
, col :: Int
, val :: Char
} deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
tokenise :: String -> [Token]
tokenise = tok 1 1
tok _ _ [] = []
tok row col ('\n':xs) = Token row col '\n' : tok (row+1) 1 xs
tok row col (x:xs) = Token row col x : tok row (col+1) xs
unmatchedChars :: [Token] -> Char -> Char -> [Token]
unmatchedChars toks val1 val2 = stoks [] ftoks
ftoks = filter (\(Token _ _ v) -> v == val1 || v == val2) toks
stoks s [] = s
stoks ((Token _ _ val2):xs) ((Token _ _ val1):ts) = stoks xs ts
stoks s (t:ts) = stoks (t : s) ts
processContents :: String -> String -> IO ()
processContents fname contents = do
if null uB && null uP -- && null uA
then return ()
else putStrLn fname
printResult uB
printResult uP
--printResult uA
match = unmatchedChars $ tokenise contents
uB = match '{' '}'
uP = match '(' ')'
--uA = match '<' '>'
printResult [] = return ()
printResult result = mapM_ print result
processFile :: String -> IO ()
processFile fname = readFile fname >>= processContents fname
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= mapM_ processFile
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