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Created June 21, 2014 14:23
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By the first time I saw a Macintosh, I was thrilled for its incredibly graceful shape. When I got my own Macintosh, the perfect cooperation between hardware and software thrilled me again. This was the very beginning of my developing interest on designing, specifically the software human-interface designing.
I have been a lover of the Internet since I was a little kid, much before my first encountering Macintosh. Therefore, in the sophomore year in high school, I finally got started to study web front-end designing and programming. With growing ability on this, I have designed and been maintaining several websites, and have developed several experimental utilities, e.g. blog system, wiki system, etc. Yet another chance, I was
Photography is another interest which has been accompanying me for many years. Particularly, nature and landscape are my favorite genres. My photos are on display on 500px, and are have been collecting likes from the community. When they are used as wallpapers, entire desktop could be brightened.
Unfortunately, neither my schools nor my local social circle are able to provide assistance for me to study such amazing knowledge in a higher level. As a result, I have to seek tutorials and examples by myself. In this process, I have become better trained and able to develop my own style on arts.
In the spring of 2013, I met by chance, which is a startup to show and find interesting projects and people. The team has one product manager and two programmer, but no one designer. Thus I promised to redesign this website with love to their fascinating idea. And later we decided that they would let me have internship in their company at Beijing, in the winter vacation by the end of 2014. The founder Longxing Wang appreciates my skills and highly remarks my future ability in the software and Internet industry. Recently, in the summer of 2014, started utilizing my redesign.
When watching WWDC 2013 keynote video, I found the trend of design was going to a direction that I don't like. At that moment, I realized the importance to have power in industry, instead of only developing myself. In other words, I should make difference in macro world.
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@JoyNeop 第一段里面thrilled换shocked如何? thrill有点像受惊吓,吓得全身发软(好奇怪的描述←_←) 第二段 encounter本身可以做名词,encountering感觉比较awkward。 同时后面的e.g.建议去掉用for example,正式文章里面不宜过多使用拉丁缩写('∀`)~ 结构上面,最后wwdc是不是可以作为实习的助推器?因为你有提到了industries。 photography在拓展一下-生活之美+与design的联系~ 加油哦!!

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