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Last active January 15, 2021 01:40
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Advent of Code 2020 Day 18
indirect enum Element {
case number(Int)
case operation(Character)
case subexpression([Element])
func parse(_ remainder: String.SubSequence, _ accumulator: [Element] = []) -> [Element] {
guard let head = remainder.first else { return accumulator }
switch head {
case " ":
return parse(remainder.dropFirst(), accumulator)
case "0"..."9":
guard let number = Int(remainder.prefix(while: \.isNumber)) else { fatalError("could not parse \(head)") }
return parse(remainder.drop(while: \.isNumber), accumulator + [.number(number)])
case "+", "*":
return parse(remainder.dropFirst(), accumulator + [.operation(head)])
case "(":
let tail = remainder.dropFirst()
let open = tail.enumerated().filter { $0.1 == "(" }.map(\.offset)
let close = tail.enumerated().filter { $0.1 == ")" }.map(\.offset)
guard let cutoff = zip(open, close).first(where: { open, close in close < open })?.1 ?? close.last else {
fatalError("open/close failed: \(open) & \(close)")
let index = String.Index(utf16Offset: cutoff, in: tail)
return parse(tail.dropFirst(cutoff + 1), accumulator + [.subexpression(parse(tail.prefix(upTo: index)))])
fatalError("encountered unknown character: \(head)")
// For part two. This will chunk anything on either side of a '*' into a subexpression
func preprocess(_ elements: [Element]) -> [Element] {
let processed = elements.reduce(into: (acc: [Element](), sub: [Element]()), { acc, element in
switch element {
case .operation("*"):
acc.sub = []
case .subexpression(let els):
return processed.acc + [.subexpression(processed.sub)]
typealias Op = (Int, Int) -> Int
func evaluate(_ elements: [Element]) -> Int {
elements.reduce(into: (sum: 0, op: { _, s in s } as Op), { acc, element in
switch element {
case .number(let n):
acc.sum = acc.sum == 0 ? n : acc.op(n, acc.sum)
case .operation(let o):
acc.op = { n, sum in
switch o {
case "+": return sum + n
case "*": return max(sum, 1) * n
default: fatalError()
case .subexpression(let els):
let evaluated = evaluate(els)
acc.sum = acc.sum == 0 ? evaluated : acc.op(evaluated, acc.sum)
// `input` is an array of strings
let day18a = { parse($0[...]) }.map(evaluate).reduce(0, +)
let day18b = { parse($0[...]) }.map(preprocess).map(evaluate).reduce(0, +)
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