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Created September 3, 2011 13:34
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MiniTest + Shoulda Compatibility
# Gives you all the the stuff to make existing shoulda tests work!
class MiniTest::Spec
class << self
alias :setup :before unless defined?(Rails)
alias :teardown :after unless defined?(Rails)
alias :should :it
alias :context :describe
alias :assert_no_match :refute_match
alias :assert_not_nil :refute_nil
alias :assert_not_equal :refute_equal
def assert_nothing_raised(&block) # this assertion no longer exists!
def self.should_eventually(desc)
it("should eventually #{desc}") { skip("Should eventually #{desc}") }

These are replacements I did in my project to go from test/unit + shoulda to minitest + mini_shoulda.rb (above)

  • assert_raise => assert_raises
  • class Test(.*?) < Test::Unit::TestCase => describe "$1" do
  • require 'test/unit' => require 'minitest/spec'
  • require 'shoulda' => require 'minitest/autorun'
  • class Test::Unit::TestCase => class MiniTest::Spec
  • Test::Unit::Assertions => MiniTest::Assertions
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