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Created January 5, 2011 07:43
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Save nesquena/744ec29faba42625abc4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
include_once "oauth-php/library/OAuthStore.php";
include_once "oauth-php/library/OAuthRequester.php";
// TODO Fill these out...
$consumer_key = '4WNiWlmiqhq2VAbPE6xv0'; // this is your consumer key
$secret = 'xq0ztj4D0evWXkgqONud4cXiq3lpEBnB39d6HN0Li'; // this is your secret key
// TODO fill this in
$options = array('server' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root',
'password' => '', 'database' => 'php_test');
$store = OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', $options);
$user_id = 1;
// Request parameters are oauth_token, consumer_key and usr_id.
$oauth_token = $_GET['oauth_token'];
$oauth_verifier = $_GET['oauth_verifier'];
OAuthRequester::requestAccessToken($consumer_key, $oauth_token, $user_id, 'POST', $_GET);
catch (OAuthException $e)
// Something wrong with the oauth_token.
// Could be:
// 1. Was already ok
// 2. We were not authorized
// The request uri being called.
$request_uri = '';
// Parameters, appended to the request depending on the request method.
// Will become the POST body or the GET query string.
$params = array();
// Obtain a request object for the request we want to make
$req = new OAuthRequester($request_uri, 'GET', $params);
// Sign the request, perform a curl request and return the results, throws OAuthException exception on an error
$result = $req->doRequest($user_id);
// $result is an array of the form: array ('code'=>int, 'headers'=>array(), 'body'=>string)
print_r ($result);
include_once "oauth-php/library/OAuthStore.php";
include_once "oauth-php/library/OAuthRequester.php";
$consumer_key = '4WNiWlmiqhq2VAbPE6xv0'; // this is your consumer key
$secret = 'xq0ztj4D0evWXkgqONud4cXiq3lpEBnB39d6HN0Li'; // this is your secret key
// TODO fill this in
$options = array('server' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root',
'password' => '', 'database' => 'php_test');
$store = OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', $options);
// The server description
$server = array(
'consumer_key' => $consumer_key,
'consumer_secret' => $secret,
'server_uri' => '',
'signature_methods' => array('HMAC-SHA1', 'PLAINTEXT'),
'request_token_uri' => '',
'authorize_uri' => '',
'access_token_uri' => ''
$user_id = 1;
// Save the server in the the OAuthStore
$consumer_key = $store->updateServer($server, $user_id);
// Callback to our (consumer) site, will be called when the user finished the authorization at the server
$callback_uri = ''; // TODO FIX THIS
// Obtain a request token from the server
$token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken($consumer_key, $user_id, array('oauth_callback' => $callback_uri));
// Now redirect to the autorization uri and get us authorized
if (!empty($token['authorize_uri']))
// Redirect to the server, add a callback to our server
if (strpos($token['authorize_uri'], '?'))
$uri = $token['authorize_uri'] . '&';
$uri = $token['authorize_uri'] . '?';
$uri .= 'oauth_token='.rawurlencode($token['token']);
// No authorization uri, assume we are authorized, exchange request token for access token
$uri = $callback_uri . '&oauth_token='.rawurlencode($token['token']);
header('Location: '.$uri);
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