This Android utility is about making clickable colored spans within a TextView
as painless and simple as possible! One common use case for this is building a Twitter or Facebook type app where different words in a message have different meanings and can be clicked to trigger an action. For example:
- Tweet items where "@foo" can be clicked to view a user's profile.
- Facebook posts where "Billy Jean" can be clicked to view a user.
- Slack messges where "#general" can be clicked to go to a different room.
This utility assumes you have one or more TextView
that are filled with text that you'd like to "spannify" based on different patterns. Suppose we have a TextView
that contains the following totally unstyled text:
Linkify all sub-strings within TextView
that match a regular expression:
new PatternEditableBuilder().
This results in:
Linkify all sub-strings within TextView
that match a regular expression and then set color:
new PatternEditableBuilder().
addPattern(Pattern.compile("\\@(\\w+)"), Color.CYAN).
This results in:
Linkify all sub-strings within TextView
that match a pattern and then set color, and click handler:
new PatternEditableBuilder().
addPattern(Pattern.compile("\\@(\\w+)"), Color.BLUE,
new PatternEditableBuilder.SpannableClickedListener() {
public void onSpanClicked(String text) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Clicked username: " + text,
This results in:
Linkify all sub-strings within TextView
that match a pattern and then set custom styles:
new PatternEditableBuilder().
new PatternEditableBuilder.SpannableStyleListener() {
void onSpanStyled(TextPaint ds) {
// ds contains everything you need to style the span
ds.bgColor = Color.GRAY;
ds.linkColor = Color.MAGENTA;
and this results in:
This is a more complete example which matches both usernames and hashtags:
new PatternEditableBuilder().
addPattern(Pattern.compile("\\@(\\w+)"), Color.GREEN,
new PatternEditableBuilder.SpannableClickedListener() {
public void onSpanClicked(String text) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Clicked username: " + text,
addPattern(Pattern.compile("\\#(\\w+)"), Color.CYAN,
new PatternEditableBuilder.SpannableClickedListener() {
public void onSpanClicked(String text) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Clicked hashtag: " + text,
and this results in:
Created by Nathan Esquenazi from CodePath in 2016.
Perfect.. But not working on EditText =(