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Nessa Jane Marin nessamurmur

View GitHub Profile
{of_config, enabled},
{port, 1, [{interface, "eth0"}]},
{port, 2, [{interface, "tap0"}]}
nessamurmur /
Last active February 22, 2021 20:16

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am nessamurmur on github.
  • I am nessamurmur ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCmw_JTzrJwj9nDa_Bzxv0iCLdcVG9uzLC5gfrsLruRAAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

We have to be Swift with hiring or candidates will Go elsewhere. We don't want to get Rust-y at our interviewing skills. A good candidate is like a precious Ruby. Maybe even a Perl.

Never forget to offer them plenty of Java. Script... Stick to the script to avoid introducing bias. Bias is a snake in the grass... Like a Python. It doesn't matter if they have a Lisp. Treat candidates equally and be Forth right. If it seems like we're not being transparent they think we might be up to a Scheme.

nessamurmur / thing_controller.rb
Created August 31, 2016 00:08
cache bug example
require 'dalli'
class ThingController
def create
thing =
thing.special_id = dalli.increment(:special_id, 1)!

I'm about to be much more personal and vulnerable than I ever am on Facebook. If you care about me please read carefully and listen to the feelings.

I've been debating making a status like this for years... I kept saying "At this next milestone I'll do it" and then not feeling ready when I got there. In a lot of ways, this is the worst time in my life for me to do this... but my heart and my mental health just can't take living an inauthentic life anymore and for me, that means I want to live as openly as possible.

I'm bi. I've been attracted to people of like and not like genders for as long as I can remember being attracted to anyone. I spent years of my life feeling ashamed of it and feeling like something was wrong with me and that I had done something to cause it. I spent years not calling what I was feeling attraction and avoiding getting close to other masculine presenting people. When I was about 19, a sweet friend came out to me and I was surprised to hear myself say "Oh! Me too!" It was the

nessamurmur / package.json
Last active April 5, 2016 17:23
docker-release npm script
"scripts": {
"docker-build": "docker build --no-cache -t my-project:$npm_package_version .",
"predocker-push-version": "docker tag my-project:$npm_package_version$npm_package_version",
"docker-push-version": "docker push$npm_package_version",
"predocker-push-latest": "docker tag my-project:$npm_package_version",
"docker-push-latest": "docker push",
"docker-release-version": "npm run docker-build && npm run docker-push-version",
"docker-release": "npm run docker-release-version && npm run docker-push-lastest"
# Adds a bridged network adapter to a VirtualBox docker machine.
# If the "-d" argument is given, the bridged network adapter is removed.
# The host network adapter can be provided via "-i network_adapter" argument.
# The machine name can be provided as last argument, else "default" is used.
# Usage: ./ [-i network_adapter] [-d] [machine]
public Dictionary<string, UIImage> GetImages(string directory) {
var images = new Dictionary<string, UIImage>();
var paths = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*.png");
foreach (var path in paths) {
images[path] = UIImage.FromFile(path);
return images;
public async Task<List<FeedItem>> GetFeedItems(DateTime date) {
  • API-level docs: consumers of the software (library users, API consumers, etc)
  • Onboarding Docs: Potential Contributors (this is high-level info in README... stuff in WIKIS like design docs, etc..., files...)
  • READMEs: Good starting points to get different folks directed to different places (i.e. link consumers to API docs and install instructions, link potential contributors to contribution guidelines and high level design docs, style guides, etc.)

Ultimately contributors do just have to reference the code itself at some point... although the code doesn't tell the whole story, particularly for software that's meant to be consumed by other software (libraries, APIs, microservices, etc...)

Tons of other kinds of docs with writing... just a small sample.

defmodule Character do
import Algae.Maybe
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
name: Just.t | Nothing.t
defstruct name: maybe
@spec return_dan :: Character.t