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Last active November 15, 2016 18:35
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A Drupal Pager with Ellipses
* Generate paging for indexes of content
* @param object $node Node object
* @param array $q Array of query string values
* @param integer $current Current Page (0 based)
* @param integer $page_count Page Count
* @param boolean $ellipsis Show ellipsis between page numbers (to reduce width) (only for more than 9 pages)
* @return void Outputs markup to page
function pagination($node, $q, $current, $page_count, $ellipsis = true) {
// Build the url for the next page
$q['page'] = $current;
$next_page = nu($node->nid) . '?' . http_build_query($q);
// Build the url for the previous page
$q['page'] = $current - 2;
$prev_page = nu($node->nid) . '?' . http_build_query($q);
// Restore the current page to the query object
$q['page'] = $current - 1;
// Build out array of possible page numbers
$n = range(1, $page_count);
foreach($n as $k) {
// safe => page number can render
// number => real page number
// ellipsis => render an ellipsis instead of a page number
// current => this is the current page
$pages_array[] = array(
'safe' => false,
'number' => $k,
'ellipsis' => 'no',
'current' => 'no'
// Mark the current page as safe and current
if (!empty($pages_array[$current - 1])) {
$pages_array[$current - 1]['safe'] = true;
$pages_array[$current - 1]['current'] = 'yes';
// If the pages array is greater than 9 and ellipsis is true, we'll smartly detect what page numbers we can show
if ($page_count > 9 && !empty($ellipsis)) {
// Always show first page and second page
$pages_array[0]['safe'] = true;
$pages_array[1]['safe'] = true;
// Always show last two pages
$pages_array[count($pages_array) - 1]['safe'] = true;
$pages_array[count($pages_array) - 2]['safe'] = true;
// Page before current and page after current will be shown
if (!empty($pages_array[$current - 2])) { $pages_array[$current - 2]['safe'] = true; } // prev page
if (!empty($pages_array[$current])) { $pages_array[$current]['safe'] = true; } // next page
// Determine the midpoint
$midpoint = ceil($page_count / 2);
// determine number of sections
// A "section" is a split between two safe pages. We need to count them to know where to put ellipses.
$sections = 0;
$flip = 0;
foreach($pages_array as $key => $j) {
if ($j['safe'] == $flip) {
$sections += 1;
$flip = !$flip;
// We subtract one to get a number that makes more sense.
$sections -= 1;
// There are only two possible outcomes for sections. 1 or 3. If it is 1, then we know we're not on a page that could be
// considered near the "middle" of the total number of pages, and we'll add the midpoint pages.
if ($sections == 1) {
$pages_array[$midpoint]['safe'] = true;
$pages_array[$midpoint - 1]['safe'] = true;
$pages_array[$midpoint + 1]['safe'] = true;
// Here we'll figure out where to put the ellipses
foreach($pages_array as $key => $j) {
// If we're on a page that's safe to render..
if ($j['safe'] == 1) {
// And the next page exists...
if (!empty($pages_array[$key + 1])) {
// And it isn't safe to render...
if ($pages_array[$key + 1]['safe'] == 0) {
// We'll render an ellipsis instead
$pages_array[$key + 1]['ellipsis'] = 'yes';
// If we're on a page that is not safe to render...
if ($j['safe'] == 0) {
// And the previous page exists...
if (!empty($pages_array[$key - 1])) {
// And that page is safe...
if ($pages_array[$key - 1]['safe'] == 1) {
// We'll render an ellipsis here instead
$pages_array[$key]['ellipsis'] = 'yes';
// A lot of the above logic may target the same pages, but this is easier than just looping through the pages themselves and figuring
// out if they need printed, because we don't have to smartly detect anything. We just label all the pages we know are safe, figure out
// if we need any ellipses anywhere, and then when we render later, we don't have to worry about anything except obeying the flags we already set
} else {
// We either have less than 9 pages or we don't care about the ellipsis.
// Show every page
foreach($pages_array as $key => $j) {
$pages_array[$key]['safe'] = true;
$pages_array[$key]['ellipsis'] = 'no';
// Gotta have more than one page to show the pagination.
if ($page_count > 1) {
<div class="pagination">
<?php // Disable previous button if we're on page 1 ?>
<?php if ($current == 1): ?>
<span class="nav prev disabled">
<span class="show-for-sr">Previous</span>
<?php print svg('double-left-chevron'); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?php print $prev_page; ?>" class="nav prev">
<span class="show-for-sr">Previous</span>
<?php print svg('double-left-chevron'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php // Start looping through page numbers ?>
<?php foreach ($pages_array as $key => $page):
// We're overriding the query page object so we can build URLs
$q['page'] = $page['number'] - 1;
<?php // If the page is safe to render OR it's an ellipsis, then we can render a list item... ?>
<?php if (!empty($page['safe']) || $page['ellipsis'] == 'yes'): ?>
// If we're on a safe page...
if (!empty($page['safe'])):
// And it's the current page, we'll render a span...
if ($page['current'] == 'yes'):
printf("<span class='%s'>%s</a>",
($page['number'] == 1) ? 'page first active' : 'page active',
// Otherwise we'll render a link to that page
printf("<a class='%s' href='%s'>%s</a>",
($page['number'] == 1) ? 'page first' : 'page',
nu($node->nid) . '?' . http_build_query($q),
// If it's an ellipsis, we'll render that.
if ($page['ellipsis'] == 'yes'):
?><span class="ellipsis">...</span><?php
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php // Disable next button if we're on the last page ?>
<?php if ($current == $page_count): ?>
<span class="nav next disabled">
<span class="show-for-sr">Next</span>
<?php print svg('double-right-chevron'); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?php print $next_page; ?>" class="nav next">
<span class="show-for-sr">Next</span>
<?php print svg('double-right-chevron'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
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