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Created January 30, 2017 21:45
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Implementation of pairing heaps (efficient amortized min priority queue).
/// struct to store a value and its key (cache friendly)
type HeapEntry<'K,'V> = struct val k:'K val v:'V new(k,v) = {k=k;v=v} end
/// good amortized Min Priority Queue
/// the price of a deleteMin/popMin can go up to O(n) but it is amortizd into O(ln(n)) other operations are O(1)
type PairingHeap<'K,'V> =
| EmptyHeap
| Heap of HeapEntry<'K,'V> * (PairingHeap<'K,'V> list)
/// good amortized Min Priority Queue
/// the price of a deleteMin/popMin can go up to O(n) but it is amortizd into O(ln(n)) other operations are O(1)
module PairingHeap =
let empty = EmptyHeap
let inline singleton k v = Heap( HeapEntry(k,v) , [])
let inline isEmpty pq = pq = EmptyHeap
/// Return number of elements in the priority queue.
/// WARNING : 0(n)
let rec size pq =
match pq with
| EmptyHeap -> 0
| Heap(kv,l) -> 1 + (List.sumBy size l)
let merge pq1 pq2 =
match pq1, pq2 with
| EmptyHeap, _ -> pq2
| _, EmptyHeap -> pq1
| Heap(kv1,l1), Heap(kv2,l2) -> if kv1 < kv2 then Heap(kv1, pq2 :: l1) else Heap(kv2, pq1 :: l2)
/// merge a list of heaps using a pairing procedure
/// non tail-recursive version, efficient in practice, based on Okazaki's implementation
let rec mergeMany l =
match l with
| [] -> EmptyHeap
| [pq] -> pq
| pq1::pq2::q -> merge (merge pq1 pq2) (mergeMany q)
let push k v pq = merge pq (singleton k v)
let deleteMin pq =
match pq with
| EmptyHeap -> pq
| Heap(_,l) -> mergeMany l
let peekMin pq =
match pq with
| EmptyHeap -> None
| Heap(kv,_) -> Some(kv.k, kv.v)
let popMin pq =
match pq with
| EmptyHeap -> None
| Heap(kv,l) -> Some( (kv.k,kv.v), mergeMany l)
let fromList l = l |> (fun (k,v) -> singleton k v) |> mergeMany
let fromSeq sq = [for (k,v) in sq -> singleton k v] |> mergeMany
let toSeq pq = Seq.unfold popMin pq
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