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Last active April 28, 2017 08:51
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merge some trees
open System.Collections.Generic
type Tree = { Value : int; Children : Tree Set }
/// get the primary key from a node
/// placeholder : if the value cannot be used as a primary key, this bit should be changed
let getKey tree =
/// gets the value given a primary key
let getValue key =
/// adds the nodes from a tree to a dictionnary
let addNodes (childrens:Dictionary<_,_>) tree =
let rec extract tree =
let newChildrens =
match childrens.ContainsKey (getKey tree) with
| false -> getKey tree.Children
| true ->
|> getKey
|> Set.union childrens.[getKey tree]
childrens.[getKey tree] <- newChildrens
Set.iter extract tree.Children
/// rebuild a tree from a root and a dictionnary of nodes
/// stores the rebuilded nodes to avoid doing the same task twice
let rec rebuild (rebuildedTrees:Dictionary<_,_>) (childrens:Dictionary<_,_>) rootKey =
match rebuildedTrees.ContainsKey rootKey with
| true -> // this tree has already been build, no need to work twice
| false -> // unknown root : building and saving it for later retrieval
let tree = { Value = getValue rootKey; Children = (rebuild rebuildedTrees childrens) childrens.[rootKey] }
rebuildedTrees.[rootKey] <- tree
/// merge a list of trees and returns a list (of equal length) of merged trees
let merge treeList =
let roots = getKey treeList
let childrens = List.fold addNodes (Dictionary()) treeList
let rebuildedTrees = Dictionary() (rebuild rebuildedTrees childrens) roots
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