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Created December 21, 2016 20:52
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<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
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<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>CropImage &rArr; CroppableImage3 File Conversion</title>
.missing {text-decoration:line-through;}
.error {background-color:#FDD;}
.ok {background-color:#DFD;}
.take-action {background-color:#DDF;}
<h1>CropImage &rArr; CroppableImage3 Image File Migration</h1>
<h2>Candidate Fields</h2>
// for PW3+
// (UPDATES by @jacmaes bugfix for $new filename from below post!)
// (UPDATES by @netcarver debugIteration bugfix, PW3 compatibility, formatting tweaks, source file deletion switch)
$debugIteration = false; // true to iterate only over the first page with a desired field, false to iterate over all pages
$doFilecopy = true; // true to really copy variation files, false for debug purposes
/** ========================= BE VERY SURE YOU WANT TO PROCEED IF SETTING THE FOLLOWING TO TRUE ========================
* Set the following boolean to true if you want the original image variation files deleted.
* In order to prevent total loss of the images, deletion is only attempted if...
* $doOldfileDeletion is true **AND** $doFileCopy is false **AND** the original file exists **AND** the replacement file exists
* ========================== BE VERY SURE YOU WANT TO PROCEED IF SETTING THE FOLLOWING TO TRUE ========================*/
$doOldfileDeletion = false; // true to delete old file variations.
$oldFieldtype = 'CropImage';
$newFieldtype = 'CroppableImage3';
$timelimit = 120; // per single page
// bootstrap PW
include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/index.php');
// collect fields and cropsetting names
$collection = array();
echo "<ul>";
foreach($fields as $f) {
if($f->type != 'Fieldtype' . $oldFieldtype) continue;
$collection[$f->name] = array();
echo "<li>{$f->type} : {$f->name}</li>";
$thumbSettings = preg_match_all('#(.*?),.*?\n#msi' , trim($f->thumbSetting) . "\n", $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if(!$thumbSettings) continue;
$collection[$f->name] = $matches[1];
echo "<ul>";
foreach($collection[$f->name] as $suffix) {
echo "<li>{$suffix}</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "<hr />";
// We also have to look at CroppableImage3 fields because, after you change your fields over, the above search won't
// find the assets that now need deleting...
echo "<ul>";
foreach($fields as $f) {
if($f->type != 'Fieldtype' . $newFieldtype) continue;
$collection[$f->name] = array();
echo "<li>{$f->type} : {$f->name}</li>";
$thumbSettings = preg_match_all('#(.*?),.*?\n#msi' , trim($f->cropSetting) . "\n", $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if(!$thumbSettings) continue;
$collection[$f->name] = $matches[1];
echo "<ul>";
foreach($collection[$f->name] as $suffix) {
echo "<li>{$suffix}</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "<hr />";
$pages_visited = 0;
$images_visited = 0;
$variations_visited = 0;
$variations_copied = 0;
$variations_deleted = 0;
// now iterate over all pages and rename or copy the crop variations
echo "<h2>Asset Scan</h2>";
echo "<ul>";
foreach($pages->find("include=all") as $p) {
set_time_limit($timelimit); // reset the timelimit for this page
foreach($collection as $fName => $suffixes) {
if(!$p->$fName instanceof \ProcessWire\Pageimages) {
$images = $p->$fName;
if(0 == $images->count()) {
echo "<li>Page \"<strong>{$p->title}</strong>\" <em>directory \"site/assets/files/{$p->id}/\"</em><ol>";
foreach($images as $image) {
echo "Image \"<strong>{$image->name}</strong>\"<ul>";
foreach($suffixes as $suffix) {
$errors = array();
$dispold = "{$suffix}_" . $image->name;
$dispnew = str_replace(".", ".-{$suffix}.", $image->name);
$dir = dirname($image->filename).'/';
$old = $dir . $dispold;
$new = $dir . $dispnew;
$old_present = file_exists($old);
$new_present = file_exists($new);
/* if (!$old_present) $dispold = "<span class='missing error'>$dispold</strike> (missing)"; */
/* if ( $new_present) $dispnew = "<span class='ok'>$dispnew</span> (present)"; */
$old_classes = array();
$new_classes = array();
$msg = '';
if (!$old_present) $old_classes[] = 'missing';
if (!$new_present) $new_classes[] = 'missing';
if (!$old_present && !$new_present) {
// Both missing => Cannot migrate this variation, it needs to be regenerated from the original.
$old_classes[] = 'error';
$new_classes[] = 'error';
$msg = '<span class="take-action">Recreate from source image</span>';
} else if (!$old_present && $new_present) {
// Old not there, new is => All done! Migration complete
$msg = '<span class="ok">Migrated</span>';
} else if ( $old_present && !$new_present) {
// Old there, new not there => Ready to copy!
$new_classes[] = 'take-action';
if (!$doFilecopy) $msg = 'Ready to copy';
} else {
// Both present, ready to delete old copy!
$old_classes[] = 'error';
if (!$doOldfileDeletion) $msg = 'Ready to delete original';
$old_classes = implode(' ', $old_classes);
$new_classes = implode(' ', $new_classes);
echo "<li><em>Variation: $suffix</em> &mdash; <span class='$old_classes'>$dispold</span> &rArr; <span class='$new_classes'>$dispnew</span> <strong>$msg</strong>";
if($doFilecopy && $old_present && !$new_present) {
$res = @copy($old, $new);
if ($res) {
$res = "<span class='ok'>Success</span>";
} else {
$res = "<span class='error'>FAILED</span>";
echo " <strong>Filecopy: $res</strong>";
if (!$doFilecopy && $doOldfileDeletion && $old_present && $new_present) {
$res = @unlink($old);
if ($res) {
$res = "<span class='ok'>Success</span>";
} else {
$res = "<span class='error'>FAILED</span>";
echo " <strong>Delete of original: $res</strong>";
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</ol></li>";
if($debugIteration) break;
$pages->uncache($p); // just in case we need the memory
if($debugIteration) break;
echo "</ul><p>Visited $pages_visited pages.</p>";
echo "<p>Visited $images_visited images.</p>";
echo "<p>Visited $variations_visited variations.</p>";
echo "<p>Copied $variations_copied variations.</p>";
echo "<p>Deleted $variations_deleted variations.</p>";
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