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Created July 17, 2023 15:49
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// Training set
const trainingSet = [
["How can I create a new project?", "To create a new project, go to the dashboard and click on 'New Project'. Then, fill out the details and click 'Save'."],
["How can I invite team members to my project?", "To invite team members to your project, open the project and click on 'Invite Members'. Enter their email addresses and click 'Send Invites'."],
["Can I assign tasks to team members?", "Yes, you can assign tasks to team members. To do this, create a new task and select a team member from the 'Assign To' dropdown."],
["What happens when a task is completed?", "When a task is completed, it should be marked as 'Complete'. It will then be moved to the 'Completed Tasks' section."]
// Test set
const testSet = ["How do I start a new project?", "How can I delegate tasks to others in my team?", "What do I do when I finish a task?"];
// KNN algorithm
testSet.forEach(testQuestion => {
let distances =[trainingQuestion, trainingAnswer]) => {
const Cx1 = pako.deflate(testQuestion).length;
const Cx2 = pako.deflate(trainingQuestion).length;
const Cx1x2 = pako.deflate(testQuestion + trainingQuestion).length;
const ncd = (Cx1x2 - Math.min(Cx1, Cx2)) / Math.max(Cx1, Cx2);
return {ncd, trainingAnswer};
distances.sort((a, b) => a.ncd - b.ncd);
console.log(`Best matched answer for '${testQuestion}' is '${distances[0].trainingAnswer}'`);
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