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Created February 2, 2024 09:15
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typescript logger
/* modification of the logger */
/* typescript and small fix for nextjs usage */
/* use on your layout.tsx or high level provider
* declare global {
* interface Window {
* logger: any;
* }
* }
* useEffect(() => {
* window['logger'] = logger;
* }, []);
// actual logger code //
declare global {
var areLogsEnabled: boolean | undefined;
const logger = (() => {
const checkIfLogsEnabled = (): boolean => {
if (typeof window !== undefined) {
const search = global?.window?.location?.search;
const enabled = search && new URLSearchParams(search).get('debug') === 'true';
global.areLogsEnabled = enabled || false;
return global.areLogsEnabled;
return false;
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const print = (type: string, ...messages: any[]) => {
if (typeof global.areLogsEnabled === 'undefined') {
if (global.areLogsEnabled || isDev) {
switch (type) {
case 'info':'%c Custom Log:', 'background: blue; color: white;', ...messages);
case 'warn':
console.warn('%c Custom Log:', 'background: orange; color: white;', ...messages);
case 'error':
console.error('%c Custom Log:', 'background: red; color: white;', ...messages);
case 'trace':
console.trace('%c Custom Log:', 'background: grey; color: black;', ...messages);
case 'debug':
console.log('%c Custom Log:', 'background: green; color: white;', ...messages);
return {
debug: print.bind(null, 'debug'),
info: print.bind(null, 'info'),
warn: print.bind(null, 'warn'),
error: print.bind(null, 'error'),
trace: print.bind(null, 'trace'),
export default logger;
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