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Last active December 13, 2019 07:02
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Product Management Tool (Rails/JS)

Your task is to create a simple product management tool that lets you create products and search products in a listing page. You are required to use Ruby on Rails (>=5) and React for development.


Your app will implement 3 models.

  • Product which contains the following attributes/validations:
    • name (string (0-1024 chars), unique)
    • upc (string (10,12 or 13 chars), unique, only numeric characters (0-9) allowed)
    • available_on (datetime, must be in the future)
  • Property which contains the following attributes/validations:
    • name (string (0-255 chars), unique)
  • ProductProperty which contains the following attributes/validations:
    • value (string (0-255))

Property will represent additional fields that can be associated with a product. Ex: brand, description, color etc. ProductProperty will contain the values associated with a Property object and a Product object. Ex: "Chanel", "Red" etc. In other words, a ProductProperty object should contain references to a Product object and a Property object.

Your app will provide 2 pages:

  • The Product Create page. This should contain a form with the required Product fields. The form should have a button that lets a user add more properties (name and value pairs) to the product. In the end there should be a save button which lets the user know if validations passed and a record was saved or not. Ex:

Product Form

  • The Listing page. This page lists the products created (in no particular order) and their details (including property name/value pairs). The Listing page also should contain a search field which dynamically searches product names and updates the listing page with the filtered results using React. Ex:

Product Listing


  • Your app must be developed using Ruby on Rails (>= 5.2).
  • You may use a database of your choice.
  • You may provide some test suite, Rspec, minitest, cucumber, your choise.
  • The search functionality on the listing page can be implemented using React.
  • The Product Create page can be developed using rails templating engine or React.
  • The forms do not need to be styled as shown in the example images but some styles.
  • There is no need to implement any sort of authentication on the app.
  • You may use any gem or library in your app to complete your project. Open-source and stackoverflow is your friend.
  • Your solution app must be uploaded to and should include a README file containing instructions on setting up the database and running the app.
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