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Created February 18, 2014 08:10
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AngularJS Öğreniyorum
A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS. This list is in its early stages. Feel free to submit a pull request if you have some links/resources to add. Also, I try to verify that the articles below have some real content (i.e. aren't 2 paragraph blog posts with little information) to ensure I'm not listing "fluff" pieces. If you have an idea for a better way to organize these links, please let me know. As I find similar posts in the "General Topics" section, I will break them out into their own categories.
## Kitaplar
* [AngularJS] (
* [AngularJS'e Hızlı Başlangıç] (
* [AngularJS ile Tarifler] (
* [Örneklerle AngularJS] (
* [.Net Geliştiricileri İçin AngularJS] (
* [AngularJS ile Web Uygulaması Geliştirmek] (
* [AngularJS Sınırlarında Geliştirmek] (
## Videolar
* []( — 44 videos of about 4 minutes each — [source code](
* [Video Rehber: 60 Dakikada AngularJS Temelleri]( — 1:10:50
* [AngularJS YouTube Kanalı]( — several videos, mostly presentations of 1h or more
* [AngularJS'e Giriş]( — 50:05
* [Angular JS ile Baştan Sona]( — 52:59
* [Angular JS ile Güvenlik]( — 29:45
* [Grunt ve Angular JS ile Önyüz İş Akışı]( — 1:02:37
* [AngularJS Rehberi]( — 12:19
* [AngularJS'de Göster Bana (Tekpub)]( — 8 videos (paid)
* [AngularJS ile Zahmetsiz JavaScript Uygulamaları (Tuts+)]( — 22 videos of about 5 minutes each, in 8 sections (paid)
* [AngularJS Temelleri (Pluralsight)] ( - 6 hours 15 minutes total (paid)
* [AngularJS 1.2 ve Dahası] (
## Kurslar
* [ - AngularJS'i Öğrenmek İçin Daha İyi Bir Yol]( - Free course on AngularJS
## Yardım Toplulukları
* [StackOverflow] (
* [AngularJS Mail Listesi (Google Groups)] (
* [Sohbet Odası (Tarayıcı tabanlı)] (
* [AngularJS Google+ Topluluğu] (
## Genel Konular
* [AngularJS Referansı] (
* [AngularJS ile Eğlenin] (
* [AngularJS Philly ETE Sunumu] (
* [Büyük Ölçekli AngularJS Projesi İle Bir Yılda Öğrendiklerim] (
* [Rastgele AngularJS İpuçları] (
* [Deal with users authentication in an AngularJS web app] (
* [What stumped me about AngularJS] (
* [5 reasons to use AngularJS in the corporate app world] (
* [Lazy Loading In AngularJS] (
* [More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp] (
* [HashKeyCopier - An AngularJS Utility Class For Merging Cached And Live Data] (
* [Exploring Directives, $scope, DOM Rendering, And Timing In AngularJS] (
* [Applying A Cached Response To An AngularJS Resource] (
* [Angularytics: The solution to tracking page views and events in a SPA with AngularJS] (
* [Sharing Data, State and Models on AngularJS: Alternatives, comparison and my solution] (
* [Authentication in Single Page Applications with Angular.js](
* [AngularJS and SVG] (
* [Angular.js and IE8 caching] (
* [AngularJS and SEO] (
* [Templates, Routing and Sharing Data Between Views in an Angular JS Application] (
* [Improving End User Experience with AngularJS] (
* [AngularJS Controller Tutorial With Example] (
* [AngularJS -- Quick Role-Based Authentication] (
* [HTML5 local storage with Angular JS] (
* [Dynamic routes with AngularJS and Silex] (
## AngularJS'e Giriş/Başlangıç (Çok sayfalı makalelere de bakınız)
* [Getting Started With AngularJS] (
* [Everything you need to understand to start with AngularJS] (
* [What To Know To Be An Expert in AngularJS] (
* [5 Awesome AngularJS Features](
* [AngularJS for jQuery Developers] (
* [An Introduction to AngularJS] (
* [Building a Web App From Scratch in AngularJS] (
* [AngularJS: An Overview] (
* [AngularJS Tutorial — Build an App Using Directives and Data Binding](
* [AngularJS In 30 Minutes] (
## Çok sayfalı makaleler
* Getting Started with elasticsearch and AngularJS: [Part1 - Searching] (, [Part 2: Faceting] (, [Part 3: Visualization] (
* Maintainable Rich Web Applications with AngularJS: [Part 1] (, [Part 2] (
* Google, Twitter & AngularJS: [1: Google, Twitter, and AngularJS] (, [2: Let's Make a Feed Reader] (, [3: Rendering Feeds] (, [4: Managing Feeds] (, [5: Tests] (, [6: Adding Dependencies] (, [7: Form Validation] (, [8: Iterators & Filters] (
* Implementing SignalR Stock Ticker using Angular JS: [Part 1](, [Part 2](
* AngularJS Best Practices: I’ve Been Doing It Wrong!: [Part 1] (, [Part 2](, [Part 3](
* Introduction to AngularJS [Part 1](, [Part 2](
## Örnek Uygulamalar
* [A Shopping Cart Application Built with AngularJS] (
* [Build a feed reader with the Google feed API and AngularJS] (
## AngularJS'de "Scope" kullanımı
* [AngularJS and scope.$apply] (
* [What are the nuances of scope prototypal / prototypical inheritance in AngularJS?] (
* [ watch, on pub sub, and you.] (
* [Use Ng-bind in AngularJS] (
* [Unbinding $watch() Listeners In AngularJS] (
* [Accessing $scope On The DOM Using AngularJS] (
* [Directive Link, $observe, And $watch Functions Execute Inside An AngularJS Context] (
* [Hailing All Frequencies – Communicating in AngularJS with the Pub/Sub Design Pattern] (
* [Nested Scopes in AngularJS] (
* [AngularJS: 6 Common Pitfalls Using Scopes] (
## AngularJS'de "Dependency Injection"
* [The "Magic" behind AngularJS Dependency Injection] (
* [AngularJS: More on Dependency Injection] (
* [Angularjs Dependency Injection](
## AngularJS'de Yönergeler (Directives)
* [AngularJS directives and the computer science of JavaScript] (
* [AngularJS Directives - Domain-Specific Extensions to HTML] (
* [AngularJS Directives Tutorial] (
* [Commentable: A Polymorphic Nested Comments Directive for AngularJS] (
* [The ngForm directive of AngularJS] (
* [Run a directive after the DOM has finished rendering] (
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