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Created December 3, 2021 16:34
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import qualified Data.List as L
import System.IO
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-- Day 1
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input1_test = [199, 200, 208, 210, 200, 207, 240, 269, 260, 263]
measurements :: [Integer] -> Integer
measurements (_:[]) = 0
measurements (x:y:xs) = if x < y then 1 + measurements (y:xs) else measurements (y:xs)
mytriples :: [Integer] -> [[Integer]]
mytriples (a:b:c:[]) = [[a, b, c]]
mytriples (_:_:[]) = []
mytriples (_:[]) = []
mytriples (a:b:c:xs) = [[a, b, c]] ++ mytriples (b:c:xs)
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-- Day 2
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input2_test = [Forward 5, Down 5, Forward 8, Up 3, Down 8, Forward 2]
type Unit = Integer
type Horizontal = Integer
type Deep = Integer
type Position = (Horizontal, Deep)
data SubmarineMovement = Forward Unit | Down Unit | Up Unit deriving (Show)
class MyRead a where
myread :: String -> a
instance MyRead SubmarineMovement where
myread input =
let valueConstructor = L.words input !! 0
value = read $ L.words input !! 1 :: Integer
case valueConstructor of
"forward" -> Forward value
"down" -> Down value
"up" -> Up value
moveSubmarine :: [SubmarineMovement] -> Position
moveSubmarine xs = foldr (\x acc -> move x acc) (0, 0) xs
move :: SubmarineMovement -> Position -> Position
move (Forward u) (h, d) = (h + u, d)
move (Down u ) (h, d) = (h, d + u)
move (Up u) (h, d) = (h, d - u)
main_day2_part1 = do
handle <- openFile "adventofcode_input2.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
let values = [myread v :: SubmarineMovement | v <- L.lines contents]
let final_position = moveSubmarine values
print final_position
print $ fst final_position * snd final_position
hClose handle
type Aim = Integer
type NewPosition = (Horizontal, Deep, Aim)
moveSubmarine' :: [SubmarineMovement] -> NewPosition
moveSubmarine' xs = foldl (\acc x -> move x acc) (0, 0, 0) xs
move :: SubmarineMovement -> NewPosition -> NewPosition
move (Forward u) (h, d, a) = (h + u, d + u * a, a)
move (Down u ) (h, d, a) = (h, d, a + u)
move (Up u) (h, d, a) = (h, d, a - u)
main_day2_part2 = do
handle <- openFile "adventofcode_input2.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
let values = [myread v :: SubmarineMovement | v <- L.lines contents]
let final_position = moveSubmarine' values
print final_position
let (h, d, a) = final_position
print $ h * d
hClose handle
------------ ------------ ------------
--- Day 3: Binary Diagnostic ---
------------ ------------ ------------
test_input3 = ["00100", "11110", "10110", "10111", "10101", "01111", "00111", "11100", "10000", "11001", "00010", "01010"]
data Bit a = Bit0 a | Bit1 a deriving (Show)
instance Functor Bit where
fmap f (Bit0 x) = Bit0 (f x)
fmap f (Bit1 x) = Bit1 (f x)
binaryDiag :: [String] -> Integer
binaryDiag xs = gammaRate * epsilonRate
epsilonRate = rate snd
gammaRate = rate fst
rate f = toDecimal . map untranspose_bit . map f . map maxPartition $ map most_common transpose_bit
transpose_bit = L.transpose xs
most_common = foldl (\(a, b) x -> if x == '0' then (fmap (+1) a, b) else (a, fmap (+1) b)) (Bit0 0, Bit1 0)
maxPartition (Bit0 x, Bit1 y) = if x >= y then (Bit0 x, Bit1 y) else (Bit1 y, Bit0 x)
untranspose_bit b = case b of
Bit0 _ -> 0
Bit1 _ -> 1
toDecimal = foldl1 ((+) . (2*))
main_day3_part1 = do
handle <- openFile "adventofcode_input3.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
let values = L.words contents
let result = binaryDiag values
print result
hClose handle
lifeSupport :: [String] -> Integer
lifeSupport xs = (oxygenSupport 0 xs) * (co2Support 0 xs)
oxygenSupport :: Int -> [String] -> Integer
oxygenRating :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
co2Support :: Int -> [String] -> Integer
co2Rating :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
selectCandidates :: Char -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
candidates :: Int -> [String] -> (Bit Integer, Bit Integer)
max :: (Bit Integer, Bit Integer) -> Char
oxygenSupport _ (x:[]) = toDecimal x
oxygenSupport n xs = oxygenSupport (n + 1) (oxygenRating n xs)
co2Support _ (x:[]) = toDecimal x
co2Support n xs = co2Support (n + 1) (co2Rating n xs)
oxygenRating n xs = selectCandidates (max $ candidates n xs) n xs
co2Rating n xs = selectCandidates (min $ candidates n xs) n xs
selectCandidates c n xs = filter (\x -> (x !! n) == c) xs
candidates n xs = foldl ( \(a, b) x -> if (x !! n) == '0'
then (fmap (+1) a, b)
else (a, fmap (+1) b)) (Bit0 0, Bit1 0) xs
max (Bit0 x, Bit1 y) = if y >= x then '1' else '0'
min (Bit0 x, Bit1 y) = if x <= y then '0' else '1'
toDecimal xs = foldl1 ((+) . (2*)) $ foldr (\x acc -> (read [x] :: Integer):acc) [] xs
main_day3_part2 = do
handle <- openFile "adventofcode_input3.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
let values = L.words contents
let result = lifeSupport values
print result
hClose handle
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