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Created May 18, 2019 17:39
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Function to plot categorical data
def plot_categorical(df: pd.DataFrame , col:str):
Function to plot the categorical data on piechart using Plotly
df: pandas data frame
col: A string column name within pandas data frame to plot
No object return, only visualization
value_ = df[col].value_counts().values
idx_ = df[col].value_counts().index
trace = [{'values': value_,
'labels': idx_,
'name': col,
'hoverinfo': 'label+value+name',
'hole': 0.4,
'type': 'pie'
layout = {'title': '<b>%s</b> categorical distribution' % col,
'paper_bgcolor': '#e8e8e8',
'plot_bgcolor': '#e8e8e8',
'autosize': False,
'width': 800,
'height': 400,
'annotations': [{'text' : '<b>%s</b>' % col,
'font': {'size': 11,
'color': 'black'},
'x': 0.5,
'y': 0.5,
'showarrow': False
py.iplot({'data': trace, 'layout': layout})
le_10_val_col = []
mt_10_val_col = []
obj_val_col = []
for col in data_df.columns:
if (len(data_df[col].unique()) <= 10) & (data_df[col].dtypes == 'int64'):
elif (len(data_df[col].unique()) > 10) & (data_df[col].dtypes == 'int64'):
elif data_df[col].dtypes == 'O':
for i in obj_val_col:
plot_categorical(data_df, i)
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