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Created June 22, 2011 15:56
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Vertex and Fragment shaders
// Lighting.vsh
const int MaxLights = 3;
struct Light {
highp vec3 position;
lowp vec4 diffuse;
lowp vec4 ambient;
lowp vec4 specular;
lowp vec3 attenuation;
struct LightArray {
lowp int activeLights;
Light allLights[MaxLights];
struct Material {
lowp vec4 diffuse;
lowp vec4 specular;
lowp vec4 ambient;
lowp float shininess;
lowp float hasTexture;
attribute vec3 normalAttr;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texture0;
varying lowp vec2 textureVarying0;
varying mediump vec3 normal;
varying mediump vec3 eyeDirection;
varying mediump vec3 lightDirections[MaxLights];
varying mediump float attenuation[MaxLights];
varying mediump vec3 halfVectors[MaxLights];
uniform LightArray lights;
uniform Material material0;
uniform lowp vec4 sceneAmbient;
uniform highp mat4 matProjection;
uniform highp mat4 matModelView;
uniform highp mat4 matModel;
uniform highp mat4 matModelViewProjection;
uniform highp mat4 matNormal;
void main()
normal = vec3(matNormal * vec4(normalAttr, 1.0));
highp vec4 worldPosition = matModel * vec4(position, 1.0);
eyeDirection = vec3( (matModelView * vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz);
lowp int i;
mediump float dist;
for (i = 0; i < lights.activeLights; i++) {
lightDirections[i] = (lights.allLights[i] -;
dist = length(lightDirections[i]);
halfVectors[i] = normalize(lights.allLights[i].position + lightDirections[i]);
attenuation[i] = 1.0 / ( lights.allLights[i].attenuation.x + lights.allLights[i].attenuation.y * dist + lights.allLights[i].attenuation.z * dist * dist);
gl_Position = matModelViewProjection * vec4(position, 1.0);
textureVarying0 = texture0;
uniform lowp vec4 sceneAmbient;
uniform LightArray lights;
uniform Material material0;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
void main()
highp vec4 final_color = sceneAmbient;
highp vec4 frontDiffuse;
if(material0.hasTexture > 1.0){
frontDiffuse = texture2D(tex0, textureVarying0);
} else {
frontDiffuse = material0.diffuse;
mediump vec3 N = normalize(normal);
lowp int i;
mediump vec3 halfV;
mediump float ndothv;
mediump vec3 E = normalize(eyeDirection);
for (i=0; i<lights.activeLights; ++i)
mediump vec3 L = normalize(lightDirections[i]);
mediump float lambertTerm = dot(N,L);
if (lambertTerm > 0.0)
final_color += (lights.allLights[i].ambient * material0.ambient) * attenuation[i];
final_color += lights.allLights[i].diffuse * frontDiffuse * lambertTerm * attenuation[i];
halfV = normalize(halfVectors[i]);
ndothv = max(dot(N, halfV), 0.0);
final_color += attenuation[i] * material0.specular * lights.allLights[i].specular * pow(ndothv, material0.shininess);
gl_FragColor = final_color;
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