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Last active June 10, 2019 19:42
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Braces balanced solution
You are designing a compiler for a C++ program and need to check that braces in any given file are balanced.
Braces in a string are considered to be balanced if the following criteria are met:
All braces must be closed. Braces come in pairs of the form (), {} and []. The left brace opens the pair, and the right one closes it.
In any set of nested braces, the braces between any pair must be closed.
For example, [{}] is a valid grouping of braces but [{]} is not.
Function Description
Complete the function braces in the editor below. The function must return an array of strings where the string at each index i denotes whether or not the braces were balanced in values[i]. The array should consist of strings YES or NO aligned with their indices in values.
braces has the following parameter(s):
values[values[0],...values[n-1]]: an array of strings to analyze
1 ≤ n ≤ 15
1 ≤ | values[i] | ≤ 100
Each values[i] consists of (, ), {, }, [, and ] only.
Input Format For Custom Testing
Input from stdin will be processed as follows and passed to the function:
The first line contains an integer n, the number of elements in values.
Each of the next n lines contains a string that describes values[i] where 0 ≤ i < n.
Sample Case 0
Sample Input For Custom Testing
Sample Output
values[0]: {}[]() meets the criteria for a balanced string, so index 0 in the return array should contain the string YES.
values[1]: {[}]} contains unmatched braces between a matched pair in the substrings [}, {[}, and [}], so index 1 in the return array should contain the string NO.
public class Solution {
static String[] braces(String[] values) {
String[] answer = new String[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
String currentString = values[i];
answer[i] = "NO";
if (currentString.length() % 2 != 0) {
answer[i] = "NO";
if (isPolindromeBraces(currentString)) {
answer[i] = "YES";
if (openCloseAtSequence(currentString)) {
answer[i] = "YES";
return answer;
static boolean openCloseAtSequence(String currentString) {
int half = currentString.length() / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < half; i = i + 2) {
if (isCorrespondents(i, i + 1, currentString)) {
return true;
return false;
static boolean isPolindromeBraces(String currentString) {
int half = currentString.length() / 2;
for (int start = 0; start < half; start++) {
for (int end = currentString.length() - 1; end > half; end--) {
if (isCorrespondents(start, end, currentString)) {
return true;
return false;
static boolean isCorrespondents(int start, int end, String s) {
return openClose(s.charAt(start), s.charAt(end), '(', ')') ||
openClose(s.charAt(start), s.charAt(end), '[', ']') ||
openClose(s.charAt(start), s.charAt(end), '{', '}');
static boolean openClose(char charA, char charB, char charOpen, char charClose) {
return charA == charOpen && charB == charClose;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.println(Solution.braces(new String[]{"{[()]}"})[0]);// YES
System.out.println(Solution.braces(new String[]{"{}[]()"})[0]);// YES
System.out.println(Solution.braces(new String[]{"{[}]}"})[0]);// NO
System.out.println(Solution.braces(new String[]{"))))))"})[0]);// NO
System.out.println(Solution.braces(new String[]{")))))((((("})[0]);// NO
System.out.println(Solution.braces(new String[]{"((((((("})[0]);// NO
System.out.println(Solution.braces(new String[]{"{{[]"})[0]);// NO
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