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netstu /
Created July 22, 2024 11:03 — forked from christopher-hopper/
Install phpenv on macOS with homebrew php packages.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# vim: ai ts=2 sw=2 et sts=2 ft=sh
# Install or re-install phpenv with
# multiple versions of PHP on macOS.
# Usage:
# curl -fsSL "$RANDOM" | bash

How to use O-MVLL with WSL for Android projects

  • Use this guide to integrate the O-MVLL obfuscator using WSL and command line
  • The guide has two parts, the first one explains the installation of Android build tools, the second part presents all the adjustments I needed to make to standard O-MVLL integration process ( Read that 'Getting started' guide first.

Preparing the WSL for commandline Android development

Based on this article

Installing OpenJDK and Gradle

sudo apt-get update
netstu / gist:23fc43ad27a6602352c24ab5c1a0675d
Created December 7, 2018 15:49 — forked from mstfldmr/gist:f6594b2337e3633673e5
Example of Volley GET and POST requests with parameters and headers
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context);
//for POST requests, only the following line should be changed to
StringRequest sr = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, "",
new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
Log.e("HttpClient", "success! response: " + response.toString());
netstu /
Created June 22, 2018 09:07 — forked from blackcj/
Design support library with CoordinatorLayout, SwipeRefreshLayout and RecyclerView.
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import com.blackcj.designsupportexample.adapters.RecyclerViewAdapter;
* 百度坐标(BD09)、国测局坐标(火星坐标,GCJ02)、和WGS84坐标系之间的转换的工具
* 参考 实现的Java版本
* @author geosmart
public class CoordinateTransformUtil {
static double x_pi = 3.14159265358979324 * 3000.0 / 180.0;
// π
static double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626;
netstu /
Created December 12, 2014 04:38
java 字符串工具类
import java.util.*;
public class StringUtils
public StringUtils()
public static boolean isEmpty(String str)
netstu / test5
Created December 20, 2013 13:06
以下内容粘贴到“AppleScript编辑器”中,保存为“sendMsg.scpt”: 使用方法为,在“终端”中运行命令: osascript sendMsg.scpt 'iMessageId' 'flood attack' 1000 三个参数分别是“iMessage的id”, “发送内容”和“发送次数”
on run {targetBuddyPhone, targetMessage, repeatCount}
tell application "Messages"
set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage
set targetBuddy to buddy targetBuddyPhone of targetService
set myCount to repeatCount as integer
repeat myCount times
send targetMessage to targetBuddy
end repeat
end tell
end run
netstu / test4
Created December 20, 2013 05:46
applescript 利用 curl 请求获得数据
set shellScript to "curl \"\""
do shell script shellScript
netstu / test3
Created December 20, 2013 05:44
set csvData to read "/Users/netstu/Downloads/mbis.csv"
set csvEntries to paragraphs of csvData
repeat with i from 1 to count csvEntries
set phone to (csvEntries's item i)'s text
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Messages"
set input to "how are you" as text
click button 1 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
delay 1
keystroke "" & phone & "" -- type the reciever
keystroke return -- validate the previous input
netstu / test2
Created December 20, 2013 05:44
applescript 得到服务 ID,名称,好友等
tell application "Messages"
--get name of every service
--get id of every service
--get services
--get name of services
get buddies
get name of buddies
get id of buddies