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Created April 28, 2015 08:13
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routes =
'': ''
Future = require 'fibers/future'
child_process = require 'child_process'
iconv = require 'iconv-lite'
Future.task ->
stdout = exec 'route print'
IF = IF_NAME = 0
stdout.replace /^ (\d+).+\.([\w\(\)]+ Ethernet .+)$/m, (_, $1, $2)->
IF = $1
IF_NAME = $2
stdout = exec 'ipconfig'
NW = 0
if ~(n = stdout.indexOf '') and
~(n = stdout.indexOf '默认网关', n) and
~(n = stdout[n..].match /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)
NW = n[0]
console.log "网关:#{NW} 接口:#{IF} #{IF_NAME}"
stats = for own IP, MASK of routes
execFuture "route add #{IP} MASK #{MASK} #{NW} IF #{IF}", encoding: 'hex'
do s.wait for s in stats
console.log '完成'
execFuture = Future.wrap child_process.exec, 'multi'
exec = (cmd)->
[stdout] = execFuture cmd, encoding: 'hex'
iconv.decode new Buffer(stdout, 'hex'), 'gbk'
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