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Last active December 2, 2021 23:22
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// extension awaiter/methods can be used by this namespace
using UniRx.Async;
// You can return type as struct UniTask<T>, it is unity specialized lightweight alternative of Task<T>
// no(or less) allocation and fast excution for zero overhead async/await integrate with Unity
async UniTask<string> DemoAsync()
// You can await Unity's AsyncObject
var asset = await Resources.LoadAsync<TextAsset>("foo");
// .ConfigureAwait accepts progress callback
await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("scene2").ConfigureAwait(new Progress<float>(x => Debug.Log(x)));
// await frame-based operation(you can also await frame count by DelayFrame)
await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
// like 'yield return WaitForEndOfFrame', or Rx's ObserveOn(scheduler)
await UniTask.Yield(PlayerLoopTiming.PostLateUpdate);
// You can await standard task
await Task.Run(() => 100);
// You can await IEnumerator coroutine
await ToaruCoroutineEnumerator();
// get async webrequest
async UniTask<string> GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest req)
var op = await req.SendWebRequest();
return op.downloadHandler.text;
var task1 = GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest.Get(""));
var task2 = GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest.Get(""));
var task3 = GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest.Get(""));
// concurrent async-wait and get result easily by tuple syntax
var (google, bing, yahoo) = await UniTask.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);
// You can handle timeout easily
await GetTextAsync(UnityWebRequest.Get("")).Timeout(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300));
// return async-value.(or you can use `UniTask`(no result), `UniTaskVoid`(fire and forget)).
return (asset as TextAsset)?.text ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Asset not found");
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