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Created January 13, 2009 09:21
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// GWRE2のモード対応表
var Modes =
"Deadline": "0",
"King": "5",
"Evolved": "1",
"Pacifism": "4",
"Wave": "3",
"Sequence": "2",
"All": ""
// モードのnoun_type
var noun_type_gwre2 = {
_name: "Mode",
suggest: function(text)
var suggestions = [];
for (var modeName in Modes)
if (modeName.match("^" + text, "i"))
else if (!modeName.match("All"))
return suggestions;
// データ保持クラス
function Score(mode, tag, rank, score)
this.mode = mode;
this.tag = tag;
this.rank = rank;
this.score = score;
Score.prototype =
// 単品取得
GetFromLeaderboard: function()
var array = Score.Query(this.mode, this.tag, 1);
this.rank = array.eq(1).text();
this.tag = array.eq(2).text();
this.score = array.eq(3).text();
// プレビュー用表記
toString: function()
return "<p>" + this.tag + ":" + this.mode + "<br />"
+ "Rank:" + this.rank + " | Score:" + this.score + "</p>";
// ネットワーク問い合わせ
Score.Query = function(mode, tag, num)
var req = jQuery.ajax({
method: "GET",
url: "",
data: {
gameId: 2,
leaderboardid: Modes[mode],
gamerTag: tag,
numToShow: num
async: false
return jQuery(req.responseXML).find("string");
// モード固定で周囲のスコア取得
Score.GetNearGamerTag = function(mode, tag)
var scoreList = [];
var array = Score.Query(mode, tag, 7);
var score = new Score(mode, tag);
if (index == 0) return; // 先頭は除外
switch (index % 3)
case 0:
score.score = jQuery(this).text();
score = new Score(mode);
case 1:
score.rank = jQuery(this).text();
case 2:
score.tag = jQuery(this).text();
return scoreList;
var result = ""; // 実行時張りつけ用保存変数
// ここからコマンド本体
name: "gwre2",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "neuecc", email: "" },
description: "GWRE2のランキングを取得する",
takes: { "GamerTag": noun_arb_text },
modifiers: { "mode": noun_type_gwre2 },
preview: function(view, tag, mods)
result = "";
var scoreList = [];
var tag = tag.text;
var mode = mods["mode"].text;
// modeが空の場合はプレビューにヘルプを置いてリターン
if (mode == "")
view.innerHTML = "please input \"GamerTag\" mode \"Mode\"<br /><br />" +
"ModeList:<br />" +
"All<br />" +
"Deadline<br />" +
"King<br />" +
"Evolved<br />" +
"Pacifism<br />" +
"Wave<br />" +
"Sequence<br />";
// データ読み込み
view.innerHTML = "loading...";
if (mode == "All") // modeがAll時
for (var mode in Modes)
var score = new Score(mode, tag);
if (score.tag == "") break; // 読みこみに失敗した時はループを抜ける
// プレビュー用処理・実行時用テキスト保存
view.innerHTML = "Now Loading...<br />" + score;
result += score.mode + "[Rank:" + score.rank +
"|Score:" + score.score + "]";
else // modeが各モード時
scoreList = Score.GetNearGamerTag(mode, tag);
// プレビュー領域に書き出し
if (scoreList.length > 0)
var preview = "";
for (var key in scoreList)
preview += scoreList[key];
view.innerHTML = preview;
view.innerHTML = "Not Found.";
execute: function(tag, mods)
var tag = tag.text;
var mode = mods["mode"].text;
// modeが個別選択されている時はスコア取得
if (mode != "" && mode != "All")
var score = new Score(mode, tag);
result = score.score;
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