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Last active May 18, 2016 11:52
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const Twit = require('twit');
const client = new Twit({
consumer_key: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
access_token: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN,
access_token_secret: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
Array.prototype.random = function() { return this[Math.floor(this.length * Math.random())]; };
const stream ='statuses/filter', { track: ['@askjollife'] });
const answers = {
yes: ['Yes!', 'yes!', 'Yessss!', 'yep!', 'Positive!'],
no: ['No!', 'NO!', 'hmmm ... NO!', 'Negative!']
stream.on('tweet', (tweet) => {
if (tweet.user.screen_name === 'askjollife' || tweet.text.indexOf('@askjollife') !== 0) { return null; }
const isFather = ['jollife', 'neuling2k', 'i_am_fabs'].indexOf(tweet.user.screen_name) !== -1;
const answer = isFather ? answers.yes.random() :;
const answerTimeout = 2000 + (Math.random() * 5000);
setTimeout(() => {'statuses/update', { status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} ${answer}`, in_reply_to_status_id: });
}, answerTimeout);
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