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Created July 18, 2016 02:25
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Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
package main
import (
func skipSpaces(s []byte) []byte {
c, w := utf8.DecodeRune(s)
for w > 0 && unicode.IsSpace(c) {
s = s[w:]
c, w = utf8.DecodeRune(s)
return s
func readDigits(s []byte) (numStr, remain []byte) {
numStr = s
totalW := 0
c, w := utf8.DecodeRune(s)
for w > 0 && unicode.IsDigit(c) {
s = s[w:]
totalW += w
c, w = utf8.DecodeRune(s)
return numStr[:totalW], s
func pop(stack []int) (int, []int) {
return stack[len(stack)-1], stack[:len(stack)-1]
func eval(s []byte) {
stack := make([]int, 0)
var a, b int
var token []byte
fmt.Println("eval:", string(s))
s = skipSpaces(s)
for len(s) > 0 {
c, w := utf8.DecodeRune(s)
switch {
case unicode.IsDigit(c):
token, s = readDigits(s)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(string(token))
if err != nil {
} else {
stack = append(stack, num)
case c == '+':
b, stack = pop(stack)
a, stack = pop(stack)
stack = append(stack, a+b)
s = s[w:]
case c == '-':
b, stack = pop(stack)
a, stack = pop(stack)
stack = append(stack, a-b)
s = s[w:]
case c == '*':
b, stack = pop(stack)
a, stack = pop(stack)
stack = append(stack, a*b)
s = s[w:]
case c == '/':
b, stack = pop(stack)
a, stack = pop(stack)
stack = append(stack, a/b)
s = s[w:]
case c == '%':
b, stack = pop(stack)
a, stack = pop(stack)
stack = append(stack, a%b)
s = s[w:]
fmt.Println("unknown character:", c)
s = s[w:]
s = skipSpaces(s)
fmt.Println("stack:", stack)
func main() {
// 2 * 21 - 30 = 12
eval([]byte("2 21 * 30-"))
// 1 + ... + 10 = 55
eval([]byte("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+++++++++"))
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