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Last active February 10, 2018 13:05
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[Possibly] minimal brainfuck code to output given string
from math import floor
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import count
class TooHighLevelException(Exception):
def make_number(p, level):
>>> make_number(5, 0)
>>> make_number(-5, 0)
# +++++ 5
# >+++[<+++>-]<++ 3*3+2
# >>+++++[<++++[<+++>-]>-]<<+ 5*4*3+1
sgn = '+' if p > 0 else '-'
if p < 0:
p = -p
if level == 0:
return sgn * p
a = floor(p ** (1 / (level + 1)))
if a <= 1:
raise TooHighLevelException
al = a ** level
b = p // al
if b <= 1:
raise TooHighLevelException
q = p % al
res = ''
for i in range(0, level, 1):
res = '[<{}{}>-]'.format((sgn if i == 0 else '+') * a, res)
res = '{}{}{}{}'.format('>' * level, '+' * b, res, '<' * level)
if q > 0:
res += sgn * q
return res
def optimize(s):
while True:
s2 = s.replace('<>', '').replace('><', '').replace('+-', '').replace('-+', '')
if s2 == s:
s = s2
i = max(s.rfind(']'), s.rfind('.'), s.rfind(','))
return s[:i+1]
def make_number_best(p):
res = None
for lvl in range(20):
x = make_number(p, lvl)
if res is None or len(x) < len(res):
res = x
except TooHighLevelException:
return res
def make_char_dict(uniq):
Prepare char table, then output chars by
selecting places in table.
code = []
for b in uniq:
return code
def split_numbers_by_gaps(nums, maxdiff):
>>> split_numbers_by_gaps([1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 45, 46], 1)
[[1, 2], [8, 9], [15], [45, 46]]
>>> split_numbers_by_gaps([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1)
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
>>> split_numbers_by_gaps([1, 2, 4, 5], 1)
[[1, 2], [4, 5]]
>>> split_numbers_by_gaps([1, 2, 4, 5], 2)
[[1, 2, 4, 5]]
>>> split_numbers_by_gaps([1, 2, 5, 6], 2)
[[1, 2], [5, 6]]
res = []
nums = sorted(nums)
grp = [nums[0]]
for n in nums[1:]:
if n - grp[-1] > maxdiff:
grp = [n]
if grp:
return res
def center_split(grp, maxlen):
>>> center_split([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3)
[[1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]
>>> center_split([1, 2], 3)
[[1, 2]]
if len(grp) <= maxlen:
return [grp]
whole_count = len(grp) // maxlen
edge_left = (len(grp) - whole_count * maxlen) // 2
edge_right = len(grp) - whole_count * maxlen - edge_left
res = []
if edge_left:
for i in range(whole_count):
base = edge_left + i * maxlen
if edge_right:
return res
def find_closest_bisect(needle, haystack):
if needle <= haystack[0]:
return haystack[0]
if needle >= haystack[-1]:
return haystack[-1]
a, b = 0, len(haystack)
while b - a > 1:
c = (a + b) // 2
if needle > haystack[c]:
a = c
b = c
da, db = needle - haystack[a], haystack[b] - needle
return haystack[a] if da < db else haystack[b]
def brainfuck_debug(code):
data = [0]
cur = 0
ptr = 0
output = []
stack = []
chunk = [0] * 10
while ptr < len(code):
ch = code[ptr]
if ch == '+':
data[cur] += 1
elif ch == '-':
data[cur] -= 1
elif ch == '.':
elif ch == '[':
stack.append(ptr + 1)
elif ch == ']':
if data[cur] != 0:
ptr = stack[-1]
ptr += 1
elif ch == '>':
cur += 1
if cur >= len(data):
elif ch == '<':
cur -= 1
if cur < 0:
data = chunk + data
cur += len(chunk)
if ch != ']':
ptr += 1
# print(data)
# print(output)
return output
class BaseBrainfuckGenerator:
def __call__(self, line):
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self, line):
return optimize(self(
def run_and_check(cls, line):
bfuck = cls().run(line)
output = brainfuck_debug(bfuck)
output = bytes(output).decode('utf-8')
assert output == line
return bfuck
class LinearBrainfuckGenerator(BaseBrainfuckGenerator):
Make difference code (for zero memory cell) sequentially for every char.
# TODO: possible improvement: skip correcting zero cell if it's easier to make char from scratch.
def __call__(self, line):
lst = 0
code = []
for b in line:
diff = b - lst
lst = b
return ''.join(code)
class DictedBrainfuckGenerator(BaseBrainfuckGenerator):
"Simple approach with make_char_dict"
def __call__(self, line):
uniq = list(sorted(set(line)))
code = make_char_dict(uniq)
code.append('<' * len(uniq))
for b in line:
i = uniq.index(b)
code.append('>' * i)
code.append('<' * i)
return ''.join(code)
class CombinedBrainfuckGenerator(BaseBrainfuckGenerator):
def __call__(self, line):
GAP2_LEN = GAP_LEN * 2 + 1
# MAX_RATE = 2 * GAP_LEN * (GAP_LEN + 1)
uniq = list(sorted(set(line)))
# find adjacent groups of codes
gaps = split_numbers_by_gaps(uniq, GAP_LEN)
gaps = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, gaps))
# split very long adjacent groups
splitted_gaps = []
for gap in gaps:
splitted_gaps.extend(center_split(gap, GAP2_LEN))
# add middle points of gaps to char registry
key_nums = []
for gap in splitted_gaps:
key_nums.append(sum(gap) // len(gap))
# mapping from char codes to gaps
key_map = {}
for n in key_nums:
for i in range(n - GAP_LEN, n + GAP_LEN + 1):
key_map[i] = find_closest_bisect(i, key_nums)
code = make_char_dict(key_nums)
state = {v: v for v in key_nums}
lst = 0
for b in line:
if b in key_map:
key = key_map[b]
idx = key_nums.index(key)
code.append('<' * len(key_nums))
code.append('>' * idx)
diff = b - state[key]
state[key] = b
code.append(make_number(diff, 0))
code.append('<' * idx)
code.append('>' * len(key_nums))
diff = b - lst
lst = b
return ''.join(code)
class LazyBrainfuckGenerator(BaseBrainfuckGenerator):
def pick_action(self, code):
best_dist, best_cell = None, None
for cell_i, cell_v in enumerate(self.cell_states):
d = abs(cell_v - code)
if best_dist is None or d < best_dist:
best_dist, best_cell = d, cell_i
return best_cell
def plan_actions(self, line):
self.cell_states = [0]
actions = []
for keycode in line:
cell_index = self.pick_action(keycode)
diff = keycode - self.cell_states[cell_index]
actions.append((cell_index, diff))
self.cell_states[cell_index] = keycode
if self.cell_states[-1] != 0:
del self.cell_states
return actions
def cell_levels(self, actions):
result = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for cell_index, diff in actions:
code = make_number_best(diff)
level = code.count(']') + 1
if level > result[cell_index]:
result[cell_index] = level
return result
def cell_indices(self, cell_levels):
result, ptr = {}, 0
for cell_i in count():
if cell_i not in cell_levels:
result[cell_i] = ptr
ptr += cell_levels[cell_i]
return result
def make_shift(diff):
sym = '>' if diff >= 0 else '<'
return sym * abs(diff)
def assemble_code(self, actions, cell_ptrs):
result = []
current_position = 0
for cell_index, diff in actions:
target_position = cell_ptrs[cell_index]
result.append(self.make_shift(target_position - current_position))
current_position = target_position
return result
def __call__(self, line):
actions = self.plan_actions(line)
cell_levels = self.cell_levels(actions)
cell_ptrs = self.cell_indices(cell_levels)
return ''.join(self.assemble_code(actions, cell_ptrs))
def test_algorithms():
winners = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for line in TEST_LINES:
best_cls, best_len = None, None
for cls in (
l = len(cls.run_and_check(line))
print(' {}: {}'.format(cls.__name__, l))
if best_cls is None or l < best_len:
best_cls, best_len = cls, l
winners[best_cls] += 1
# print(line[:10], best_cls)
for cls, wins in sorted(winners.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]):
print(cls.__name__, wins)
# print(LazyBrainfuckGenerator().run('sooqa jopa'))
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