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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Save neuni/10017128 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MySQL full / incremental backup script using innobackupex
* Backup script to create full and incremental backups using innobackupex
* Creates a full backup once a day and periodically incremental backups using innobackupex by Percona
* Install: create backup folder, change mysql username/password and add a crontab calling "php -f /PATH_TO_SCRIPT/backup.php" every hour
* ---
* Warning:
* Incremental backups only affect XtraDB or InnoDB-based tables.
* Other tables with a different storage engine, e.g. MyISAM, will be copied entirely each time an incremental backup is performed.
* ---
* innobackupex:
* @author Tobias Kempkensteffen <>
//MySQL user for backups
$username = "backup";
$password = "123456";
//folder to store backups
$backupFolder = "/var/mysql_backups/backups";
//number of backups (days) to keep (including today's backup)
$numberOfBackups = 7;
//period in hours to create incremental backups
$diffBackupPeriod = 3;
//backup script path
$backupScript = "/usr/bin/innobackupex";
//remove trailing slash
if (substr($backupFolder, -1) == "/") {
$backupFolder = substr($backupFolder, 0, -1);
$backupFolderToday = $backupFolder."/".date("Y-m-d");
//check if todayi's backup folder exists
if (!file_exists($backupFolderToday)) {
if (file_exists($backupFolderToday."/full")) {
//create diff backup
if ((date("G")%$diffBackupPeriod) == 0 AND date("G") > 0) {
$currentBackupFolder = $backupFolderToday."/".date("H");
if (file_exists($currentBackupFolder)) die("The current backup already exists\n"); //stop if backup already exists
//get folder of last incremental backup (or of the full backup if no incremental backup exists)
$lastBackup = "full";
foreach (scandir($backupFolderToday) as $file) {
if (substr($file, 0, 1) == ".") continue;
if (!is_dir($file)) continue;
if (((int) $file) != $file) continue;
if ($file == "full") continue;
$lastBackup = $file;
$lastBackupFolder = $backupFolderToday."/".$lastBackup;
echo "Create incremental backup (".$currentBackupFolder.") based on ".$lastBackupFolder."\n";
system($backupScript." --user=".$username." --password=".$password." --incremental ".$currentBackupFolder."/ --incremental-basedir=".$lastBackupFolder." --no-timestamp");
} else {
//create full backup
$currentBackupFolder = $backupFolderToday."/full";
echo "Create full backup (".$currentBackupFolder.")\n";
system($backupScript." --user=".$username." --password=".$password." ".$currentBackupFolder."/ --no-timestamp");
//remove old backups
$todayTS = mktime(0,0,0);
$lastValidTS = $todayTS-($numberOfBackups*(60*60*24));
foreach (scandir($backupFolder) as $folder) {
//skip hidden files and folders
if (substr($folder, 0, 1) == ".") continue;
//get timestamp for backup from folder name
$folderTS = strtotime($folder);
//skip files and folders with invalid timestamps
if ($folderTS == 0) continue;
//skip up-to-date backups
if ($folderTS > $lastValidTS) continue;
//delete old backup
echo 'Delete old backup '.$folder."\n";
system("rm -R ".$backupFolder."/".$folder);
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