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Measures the user's Internet bandwidth
function Measure-UserBandwidth {
Measures the user's Internet bandwidth.
Measures internet bandwidth using the Ookla Speedtest CLI, which is a command-line interface to the website.
The function will download the CLI from the internet if necessary.
Specifies the type of bandwidth to measure (Download or Upload).
Specifies the unit of measurement for the bandwidth (Bytes or Bits).
Measure-UserBandwidth -Type Download -Unit Bytes
Measures the user's download bandwidth in Bytes.
Measure-UserBandwidth -Type Upload -Unit Bits
Measures the user's upload bandwidth in Bits.
The function will write to the console when running the speed test.
Unit Bytes is not accurate at the moment.
Version: 1.0
Author: neuralpain
Date: 2024-03-16
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("Download", "Upload")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("Bits", "Bytes")]
$SPEEDTEST_FOLDER = "$env:APPDATA\Ookla\Speedtest CLI"
$SPEEDTEST_LICENSE_TEXT = "[Settings]`r`nLicenseAccepted=604ec27f828456331ebf441826292c49276bd3c1bee1a2f65a6452f505c4061c`r`nGDPRTimeStamp=1704516852" # utf8, noBOM
if ($Type -eq "Upload") {
Write-Host "Upload speed test unavailable."
return 0
if (-not(Test-Path "$SPEEDTEST_LICENSE" -PathType Leaf)) {
New-Item $SPEEDTEST_FOLDER -Type Directory >$null 2>&1
if (-not(Test-Path "$env:TEMP\speedtest.exe")) {
if (-not(Test-Path "$env:TEMP\")) {
Start-BitsTransfer $SPEEDTEST_CLI_URL "$env:TEMP\"
Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$_zip = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead("$env:TEMP\")
$_zip.Entries | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "speedtest.exe" }
), "$env:TEMP\speedtest.exe", $true)
try {
Write-Host "Testing internet speed... " -NoNewline
# accept CLI usage license and General Data Protection Regulation (EU) before use
Invoke-Expression "$env:TEMP\speedtest.exe --accept-gdpr --accept-license" >$null 2>&1
switch ($Unit) {
'Bits' { [int]$result = ((Invoke-Expression "$env:TEMP\speedtest.exe --format json") -replace '.*"bandwidth":(\d+).*', '$1') }
'Bytes' { [int]$result = ((Invoke-Expression "$env:TEMP\speedtest.exe --format json") -replace '.*"bytes":(\d+).*', '$1') }
Write-Host "Done."
catch {
Write-Host "`nSpeed test failed."
return $null
return $result
function Convert-UserBandwidth {
Converts user bandwidth from one unit to another.
This function converts the specified input unit of user bandwidth to the specified output unit.
Supported input and output units are:
- Bytes to Mbps
- Bits to Mbps
The unit of input user bandwidth.
Must be one of: "Bits", "Bytes"
The value of the input user bandwidth.
The unit of output user bandwidth.
Optional. If not specified, the output unit is determined by the input unit.
Must be one of: "Kilobits", "Kilobytes", "Megabits", "Megabytes", "Gigabits", "Gigabytes"
Convert-UserBandwidth -InputUnit Bytes -Value 1000000
Converts 1000000 Bytes to Mbps (1000 Mbps).
Convert-UserBandwidth -InputUnit Bits -Value 8000000000 -OutputUnit Megabits
Converts 8000000000 Bits to Megabits (8000 Mbps).
The result of the conversion, in the specified output unit.
Version: 1.0
Author: neuralpain
Date: 2024-03-16
[OutputType([int], [double])]
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("Bits", "Bytes")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("Bits", "Bytes", "Kilobits", "Kilobytes", "Megabits", "Megabytes",
"Gigabits", "Gigabytes", "Terabits", "Terabytes", "Petabits", "Petabytes",
"Exabits", "Exabytes", "Zetabits", "Zetabytes", "Yottabits", "Yottabytes")]
switch ($InputUnit) {
'Bits' {
# Convert Bits to Bytes
$bytes = [math]::Round(($Value / 8), 2)
# Convert Bits to Mbps
if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OutputUnit')) {
$OutputUnit = 'Megabits'
switch ($OutputUnit) {
'Bytes' { $result = $bytes }
'Kilobits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 3)), 2) }
'Kilobytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 3))), 2) }
'Megabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 6)), 2) }
'Megabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 6))), 2) }
'Gigabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 9)), 2) }
'Gigabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 9))), 2) }
# Just in case someone needs something just a bit higher than the average peasant user
'Terabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 12)), 2) }
'Terabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 12))), 2) }
'Petabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 15)), 2) }
'Petabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 15))), 2) }
# And for the rare edge case of an enthusiast somewhere who drank a bit too much coffee in the morning
'Exabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 18)), 2) }
'Exabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 18))), 2) }
'Zetabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 21)), 2) }
'Zetabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 21))), 2) }
'Yottabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(10, 24)), 2) }
'Yottabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / (8 * [math]::Pow(10, 24))), 2) }
'Bytes' {
# Convert Bytes to Bits
# Bytes need to be converted to bits and then converted to the output units of Kilobits, Megabits, Gigabits, etc.
$bits = $Value * 8
# Convert Bytes to Mbps
if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OutputUnit')) {
$OutputUnit = 'Megabits'
switch ($OutputUnit) {
'Bits' { $result = $bits }
'Kilobits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 3)), 2) }
'Kilobytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / 1024), 2) }
'Megabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 6)), 2) }
'Megabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(1024, 2)), 2) }
'Gigabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 9)), 2) }
'Gigabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(1024, 3)), 2) }
# Just in case someone needs something just a bit higher than the average peasant user
'Terabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 12)), 2) }
'Terabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(1024, 4)), 2) }
'Petabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 15)), 2) }
'Petabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(1024, 5)), 2) }
# And for the rare edge case of an enthusiast somewhere who drank a bit too much coffee in the morning
'Exabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 18)), 2) }
'Exabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(1024, 6)), 2) }
'Zetabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 21)), 2) }
'Zetabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(1024, 7)), 2) }
'Yottabits' { $result = [math]::Round(($bits / [math]::Pow(10, 24)), 2) }
'Yottabytes' { $result = [math]::Round(($Value / [math]::Pow(1024, 8)), 2) }
return $result
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