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Last active May 1, 2024 07:08
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Formats text in the console with Basic, 8-bit and 24-bit RGB colors and other formatting options
function Format-Text {
Writes text with color and formatting
Writes text with color, formatting and RGB support
This function accepts pipeline input.
The text to be written
.PARAMETER Foreground
The foreground color of the text to be written.
Accepts a valid color name, 8-bit 0-255 integer value, 24-bit RGB 0,0,0 format.
.PARAMETER Background
The background color of the text to be written.
Accepts a valid color name, 8-bit 0-255 integer value, 24-bit RGB 0,0,0 format.
.PARAMETER Formatting
The text formatting options to be applied to the text.
Accepts a list of valid formatting options:
- Bold
- Dim
- Underline
- Blink
- Reverse
- Hidden
The bit depth of the text to be written.
Accepts values: 8 or 24
Format-Text -Text "This is some red text on a black background" -Foreground Red -Background Black
Write-Host "This text: $(Format-Text -Text "is green and underlined" -Foreground Green -Formatting Bold, Underline). Cool right?"
Format-Text -Console -Foreground Blue -Background White
This example shows how to change the color of the console.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" | Format-Text -BitDepth 8 -Foreground 166 -Formatting Bold
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" | Format-Text -BitDepth 24 -Foreground 12,66,34 -Formatting Underline
This example shows how to pipe text to the function with color in 8 and 24 bit depth.
8-bit color format:
ESC[38;5;⟨n⟩m Select foreground color, where `n` is a number from the table below
ESC[48;5;⟨n⟩m Select background color, where `n` is a number from the table below
0-7: standard colors (as in ESC [ 30-37 m)
8-15: high intensity colors (as in ESC [ 90-97 m)
16-231: 6 × 6 × 6 cube (216 colors): 16 + 36 × r + 6 × g + b (0 ≤ r, g, b ≤ 5)
232-255: grayscale from dark to light in 24 steps
RGB color format:
ESC[38;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB foreground color
ESC[48;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB background color
Filename: Format-Text.ps1
Version: 1.3
Author: neuralpain
Created: 2024-03-17
Updated: 2024-04-20
Version history:
1.0 - Initial release
1.1 - Add complete color set for both foreground and background
1.2 - Add support for 8-bit and 24-bit colors
1.3 - Add proper support for Light and Dark colors on Forground and Background; and fixed bug on text formatting
[switch]$ConsoleReset, # unavailable on for now
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The text to be written", ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The bit depth of the text to be written")]
[ValidateSet(8, 24)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The foreground color of the text to be written")]
[ValidateCount(1, 3)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The background color of the text to be written")]
[ValidateCount(1, 3)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The text formatting options to be applied to the text")]
$Esc = [char]27
$Reset = "${Esc}[0m"
if ($Console) {
# Set the foreground color
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $Foreground
# Set the background color
$Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $Background
# Clear the screen to apply the changes
switch ($BitDepth) {
8 {
# if the value is less than 0, set it to 0
if ($null -eq $Foreground -or $Foreground -lt 0) { $Foreground = 0 }
if ($null -eq $Background -or $Background -lt 0) { $Background = 0 }
# if the value is greater than 255, set it to 255
if ($Foreground -gt 255) { $Foreground = 255 }
if ($Background -gt 255) { $Background = 255 }
$Foreground = "${Esc}[38;5;${Foreground}m"
$Background = "${Esc}[48;5;${Background}m"
24 {
foreach ($color in $Foreground) {
if ($null -eq $color -or $color -lt 0) { $color = 0 }
if ($color -gt 255) { $color = 255 }
$_foreground += ";${color}"
foreach ($color in $Background) {
if ($null -eq $color -or $color -lt 0) { $color = 0 }
if ($color -gt 255) { $color = 255 }
$_background += ";${color}"
$Foreground = "${Esc}[38;2${_foreground}m"
$Background = "${Esc}[48;2${_background}m"
default {
# Text Color:
switch ($Foreground) {
'Black' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[30m" }
'DarkRed' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[31m" }
'DarkGreen' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[32m" }
'DarkYellow' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[33m" }
'DarkBlue' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[34m" }
'DarkMagenta' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[35m" }
'DarkCyan' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[36m" }
'Gray' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[37m" }
'DarkGray' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[90m" }
'Red' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[91m" }
'Green' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[92m" }
'Yellow' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[93m" }
'Blue' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[94m" }
'Magenta' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[95m" }
'Cyan' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[96m" }
'White' { $Foreground = "${Esc}[97m" }
default { $Foreground = "" }
# Background Color:
switch ($Background) {
'Black' { $Background = "${Esc}[40m" }
'DarkRed' { $Background = "${Esc}[41m" }
'DarkGreen' { $Background = "${Esc}[42m" }
'DarkYellow' { $Background = "${Esc}[43m" }
'DarkBlue' { $Background = "${Esc}[44m" }
'DarkMagenta' { $Background = "${Esc}[45m" }
'DarkCyan' { $Background = "${Esc}[46m" }
'Gray' { $Background = "${Esc}[47m" }
'DarkGray' { $Background = "${Esc}[100m" }
'Red' { $Background = "${Esc}[101m" }
'Green' { $Background = "${Esc}[102m" }
'Yellow' { $Background = "${Esc}[103m" }
'Blue' { $Background = "${Esc}[104m" }
'Magenta' { $Background = "${Esc}[105m" }
'Cyan' { $Background = "${Esc}[106m" }
'White' { $Background = "${Esc}[107m" }
default { $Background = "" }
# Text Formatting:
if ($Formatting.Length -eq 0) {
$Format = ""
else {
$i = 0
$Format = "${Esc}["
foreach ($type in $Formatting) {
switch ($type) {
'Bold' { $Format += "1" }
'Dim' { $Format += "2" }
'Underline' { $Format += "4" }
'Blink' { $Format += "5" }
'Reverse' { $Format += "7" }
'Hidden' { $Format += "8" }
default { $Format += "" }
if ($i -lt ($Formatting.Length)) { $Format += ";" }
else { $Format += "m"; break }
$OutString = "${Foreground}${Background}${Format}${Text}${Reset}"
Write-Output $OutString
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