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Last active December 3, 2020 15:06
require reader.fs
require list.fs
require string.fs
0 \ password structure
dup constant password->min 1 cells +
dup constant password->max 1 cells +
dup constant password->letter 1 cells +
dup constant password->phrase 1 cells +
constant password:struct
: password:min password->min + ;
: password:max password->max + ;
: password:letter password->letter + ;
: password:phrase password->phrase + ;
: password:min@ password:min @ ;
: password:max@ password:max @ ;
: password:letter@ password:letter @ ;
: password:phrase@ password:phrase @ ;
: password:allocate password:struct allocate throw ;
: password:expand { password -- min max letter phrase }
password password:min@
password password:max@
password password:letter@
password password:phrase@
: password:valid? { password -- t }
true { valid } \ assume valid
password password:expand { min max letter phrase }
letter 0 string:nth to letter
phrase min 1- string:nth { c-min }
phrase max 1- string:nth { c-max }
c-min letter =
c-max letter =
: password:make { min max letter phrase -- password }
password:allocate { password }
min password password:min !
max password password:max !
letter password password:letter !
phrase password password:phrase !
\ parse string with format "a-b" into min max
: parse-min-max { range -- min max }
[char] - range string:tokenize { range-tokens }
range-tokens 0 list:nth { min }
min string:to-number drop to min
range-tokens 1 list:nth { max }
max string:to-number drop to max
min max
\ parse string with format "a:" into letter
: parse-letter { string -- letter }
[char] : string string:tokenize { letter-tokens }
letter-tokens 0 list:nth
\ parse string with format "a-b c: def" into password
: parse-password { line -- password }
bl line string:tokenize { tokens }
tokens 0 list:nth parse-min-max { min max }
tokens 1 list:nth parse-letter { letter }
tokens 2 list:nth { phrase }
min max letter phrase password:make
: read-passwords { filename -- passwords }
list:make { passwords }
filename string:raw reader:open-file
{ readn }
reader:line readn string:make { line }
line parse-password { password }
passwords password list:append to passwords
repeat drop \ readn
: answer
s" day2-input.txt" string:make read-passwords { passwords }
passwords 0 [: password:valid? if 1+ then ;] list:reduce .
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