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Created November 8, 2020 16:27
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149 byte true
; $ ls -l true /bin/true
; -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35424 Feb 28 2019 /bin/true*
; -rwxr-xr-x 1 mute mute 149 Feb 22 2015 true*
; take that GNU!
; basically
; but someone said 'true' had to support options to really compare to GNU
org 0x08048000
db 0x7F, "ELF", 1, 1, 1 ; e_ident
times 9 db 0
dw 2 ; e_type
dw 3 ; e_machine
dd 1 ; e_version
dd _start ; e_entry
dd phdr - $$ ; e_phoff
dd 0 ; e_shoff
dd 0 ; e_flags
dw ehdrsz ; e_ehsize
dw phdrsz ; e_phentsize
phdr: dd 1 ; e_phnum ; p_type
; e_shentsize
dd 0 ; e_shnum ; p_offset
; e_shstrndx
ehdrsz equ $ - ehdr
dd $$ ; p_vaddr
_start: xor eax, eax ; p_paddr
jmp short part2
dd filesz ; p_filesz
dd filesz ; p_memsz
dd 5 ; p_flags
dd 0x1000 ; p_align
phdrsz equ $ - phdr
cmp DWORD [esp], 1
jle end
mov eax, [esp+8]
cmp BYTE [eax], 45
jne end
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, str
mov edx, len_str
int 0x80
mov eax, 1
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80
str: db "true v1(c)2015",10
len_str equ $-str
filesz equ $ - $$
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