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Last active January 14, 2020 07:04
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notes on virtualbox running boot camp partition
1. Create VMDK mimic layout of real HDD.
Slices were readable but raw disk wasn't in macos, so I just wrote down all the "diskutil info disk0s1"
info and converted 4096-byte-sectors to 512 by multiplying by 8. Also I offset disk0s1 by 1 sector.
This allowed me to copy the first sector and manually edit the Bytes/sector, Sector/Cluster, Hidden Sectors,
and Total Sectors in the NTFS BPB. Windows sees it as a RAW partition otherwise, even though Linux has no
problem figuring it out. Finally I recreated the blank space at the end as a writable area since the
alternate GPT is stored there.
# Extent description
#disk start end size
#disk0 0 236978176 236978176
#disk0s1 48 614448 614400
#disk0s2 614448 137334784 136720336
#disk0s3 137334784 236713984 99379200
#2008 missing here
#disk0s4 236715992 236978136 262144
RW 614448 FLAT "disk0-with-s1.raw" 0
RW 136720336 ZERO
# keep NTFS PBR in separate file so can change Bytes/Sector and Sector/Cluster
RW 1 FLAT "disk0s3.pbr" 0
RW 99379199 FLAT "/dev/disk0s3" 1
# extra 2008 sectors due empty space between s3/s4
RW 264152 ZERO
RW 40 FLAT "alt_gpt_area.raw" 0
2. Boot a Linux GParted Live CD or similar to re-create partition table (could copy from real HDD if you
disable SIP or boot into Recovery)
I created fat32 EFI partition (mark ESP) as 100MB even though my original was 300MB. I created empty Microsoft Reserved
partitions over the free space that is ZERO which holds place for MacOS drives.
3. Make some SMBIOS things match so activation stays. I didn't check exactly which were necessary. I did these:
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/FirmwareRevision" value="717.60.1"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/ModelNumber" value="APPLE SSD AP0128N"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/SerialNumber" value="FV992XXXXXXXXXXXX"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct" value="Mac-1234567890abcdef"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemFamily" value="MacBook Air"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" value="MacBookAir8,2"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial" value="FVXXXXXXXXXX"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemUuid" value="ae4f1df8-ec7d-d011-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVendor" value="<EMPTY>"/>
VBoxManage setextradata win10vm "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion" value="<EMPTY>"/>
Note that Microsoft and VirtualBox treat the Uuid differently. Here is example. You boot into real Windows 10
and run from cmd: wmic csproduct list full
input: f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
output: ae4f1df8-ec7d-d011-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
The UUID given in macOS's system information was not the same ...
4. Boot Windows ISO and recreate BCD on EFI partition. Mine was vol 2, after ISO and C:, and had to
be assigned a drive letter.
list vol
select vol 2
assign letter=e
bcdboot C:\Windows
5. Boot VM with Windows **installing VBoxGuest tools renders system unable to boot bare metal**
If you go to boot bare metal it will do automatic repair and fail. Can run Command Prompt from Recovery menu
and go to C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS and rename VBoxGuest.sys to VBoxGuest.sys.bak and restart again.
6. todo - hack up vboxguest.sys
vboxguest.sys fails to load, says corrupted, when booted on bare metal
1400490d5: bb 6c 02 00 c0 mov $0xc000026c,%ebx
(file offset 00036cd5)
of course editing this breaks the digital signature so I need to get SDK to try further
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