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Created September 6, 2017 14:41
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Couple of node scripts to convert GIF sprites to PNG format for TWoTS OpenXcom mod
* This scripts takes a list of filenames from `files.txt` and converts
* all of them to PNG format.
* File list can either be generated by running `extra-sprites.js` script
* or by using `find` utility from mod folder.
* ```
* [OpenXcom/mods/TWoTS] > find . -iname \*.gif > files.txt
* ```
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const gm = require('gm');
const base_dir = process.env['HOME'] + '/Library/Application Support/OpenXcom/mods/TWoTS/';
const files = fs.readFileSync('./files.txt')
.trim() // remove trailing whitespace
const paths = => {
return path.join(base_dir, resource_path);
function processImages(paths) { => {
const ext = path.extname(image_path);
const new_filename = image_path.slice(0, -ext.length) + '.png';
if (!fs.existsSync(new_filename)) {
.write(new_filename, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error("Error during write", err);
* This script goes through all of the GIF filenames from ExtraSprites.rul,
* checks if "converted" (PNG) version of that filename exists and spits out
* ExtraSprites.rul content with updated filenames.
* If the "converted" files do not exist, original filenames will be appended to `files.txt`
* in script's directory.
const fs = require('fs');
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
const base_dir = process.env['HOME'] + '/Library/Application Support/OpenXcom/mods/TWoTS/';
const extra_sprites_text = fs.readFileSync(base_dir + "Ruleset/ExtraSprites.rul.bak").toString();
const extra_sprites = yaml.load(extra_sprites_text).extraSprites;
const resource_files = extra_sprites.reduce((carry, value) => {
return carry.concat(Object.values(value.files));
}, []);
const updated_text = resource_files.reduce((config_text, resource_path) => {
if (
fs.existsSync(base_dir + resource_path)
&& (/\.gif$/i).test(resource_path)
) {
const new_name = resource_path.replace(/\.gif$/i, '.png');
const is_converted = fs.existsSync(base_dir + new_name);
if (is_converted) {
return config_text.replace(resource_path, new_name);
} else {
fs.appendFile("./files.txt", resource_path + "\n", (err) => {if (err) throw err});
} else {
return config_text;
}, extra_sprites_text);
if (updated_text == extra_sprites_text) {
console.log("File list created");
} else {
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