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Created July 13, 2015 08:38
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Kinect Hand Cursor for Unity3D
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Windows.Kinect;
/// <summary>
/// Kinect input module for UGUI, can track both hands for UI actions
/// Add this to your eventsystem gameobject and call TrackBody(...) method from your Kinect script
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Kinect/Kinect Input Module")]
public class KinectInputModule : BaseInputModule
// Kinect input data, we can set it's size to two for both hands
public KinectInputData[] _inputData;
// Scroll or drag start treshold
[SerializeField]private float _scrollTreshold = .5f;
// Drag or scroll speed for scrollView
[SerializeField]private float _scrollSpeed = 3.5f;
// Wait over time for wait over buttons
[SerializeField]private float _waitOverTime = 2f;
// Pointer event data for hand tracking
PointerEventData _handPointerData;
static KinectInputModule _instance = null;
public static KinectInputModule instance
if (!_instance)
_instance = FindObjectOfType(typeof(KinectInputModule)) as KinectInputModule;
if (!_instance)
if (EventSystem.current){
Debug.LogWarning("Add Kinect Input Module to your EventSystem!");
Debug.LogWarning("Create your UI first");
return _instance;
// Call this from your Kinect body view
public void TrackBody(Body body)
for (int i = 0; i < _inputData.Length; i++)
// get a pointer event data for a screen position
private PointerEventData GetLookPointerEventData(Vector3 componentPosition)
if (_handPointerData == null)
_handPointerData = new PointerEventData(eventSystem);
_handPointerData.Reset(); =;
_handPointerData.position = componentPosition;
_handPointerData.scrollDelta =;
eventSystem.RaycastAll(_handPointerData, m_RaycastResultCache);
_handPointerData.pointerCurrentRaycast = FindFirstRaycast(m_RaycastResultCache);
return _handPointerData;
public override void Process()
/// <summary>
/// Processes waitint over componens, if hovererd buttons click type is waitover, process it!
/// </summary>
private void ProcessWaitOver()
for (int j = 0; j < _inputData.Length; j++)
if (!_inputData[j].IsHovering || _inputData[j].ClickGesture != KinectUIClickGesture.WaitOver) continue;
_inputData[j].WaitOverAmount = (Time.time - _inputData[j].HoverTime) / _waitOverTime;
if (Time.time >= _inputData[j].HoverTime + _waitOverTime)
PointerEventData lookData = GetLookPointerEventData(_inputData[j].GetHandScreenPosition());
GameObject go = lookData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(go, lookData, ExecuteEvents.submitHandler);
// reset time
_inputData[j].HoverTime = Time.time;
/// <summary>
/// Process draging, drag starts with closing your hand and end with opening it, sends scroll event to gameobject over hierarcy
/// </summary>
private void ProcessDrag()
for (int i = 0; i < _inputData.Length; i++)
// if not pressing we can't drag
if (!_inputData[i].IsPressing)continue;
// Check if we reach drag treshold for any axis, temporary position set when we press an object
if (Mathf.Abs(_inputData[i].TempHandPosition.x - _inputData[i].HandPosition.x) > _scrollTreshold || Mathf.Abs(_inputData[i].TempHandPosition.y - _inputData[i].HandPosition.y) > _scrollTreshold)
_inputData[i].IsDraging = true;
_inputData[i].IsDraging = false;
// If dragging use unit's eventhandler to send an event to a scrollview like component
if (_inputData[i].IsDraging)
PointerEventData lookData = GetLookPointerEventData(_inputData[i].GetHandScreenPosition());
GameObject go = lookData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
PointerEventData pEvent = new PointerEventData(eventSystem);
pEvent.dragging = true;
pEvent.scrollDelta = (_inputData[i].TempHandPosition - _inputData[i].HandPosition) * _scrollSpeed;
pEvent.useDragThreshold = true;
ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(go, pEvent, ExecuteEvents.scrollHandler);
/// <summary>
/// Process pressing, event click trigered on button by closing and opening hand,sends submit event to gameobject
/// </summary>
private void ProcessPress()
for (int i = 0; i < _inputData.Length; i++)
//Check if we are tracking hand state not wait over
if (!_inputData[i].IsHovering || _inputData[i].ClickGesture != KinectUIClickGesture.HandState) continue;
// If hand state is not tracked reset properties
if (_inputData[i].CurrentHandState == HandState.NotTracked)
_inputData[i].IsPressing = false;
_inputData[i].IsDraging = false;
// When we close hand and we are not pressing set property as pressed
if (!_inputData[i].IsPressing && _inputData[i].CurrentHandState == HandState.Closed)
_inputData[i].IsPressing = true;
// If hand state is opened and is pressed, make click action
else if (_inputData[i].IsPressing && (_inputData[i].CurrentHandState == HandState.Open))//|| _inputData[i].CurrentHandState == HandState.Unknown))
//_inputData[i].IsDraging = false;
PointerEventData lookData = GetLookPointerEventData(_inputData[i].GetHandScreenPosition());
// If we are not draging, and there is a gameobject under cursor click it
if (lookData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject != null && !_inputData[i].IsDraging)
GameObject go = lookData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(go, lookData, ExecuteEvents.submitHandler);
_inputData[i].IsPressing = false;
// Process hovering over component, sends pointer enter exit event to gameobject
private void ProcessHover()
for (int i = 0; i < _inputData.Length; i++)
PointerEventData pointer = GetLookPointerEventData(_inputData[i].GetHandScreenPosition());
var obj = _handPointerData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
HandlePointerExitAndEnter(pointer, obj);
// Hover update
_inputData[i].IsHovering = obj != null ? true : false;
//if (obj != null)
_inputData[i].HoveringObject = obj;
/// <summary>
/// Gets current kinect hand data if tracking it. Used from components like hand cursor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public KinectInputData GetHandData(KinectUIHandType handType)
for (int i = 0; i < _inputData.Length; i++)
if (_inputData[i].trackingHandType == handType)
return _inputData[i];
return null;
public class KinectInputData
// Which hand we are tracking
public KinectUIHandType trackingHandType = KinectUIHandType.Right;
// We can normalize camera z position with this
public float handScreenPositionMultiplier = 5f;
// Is hand in pressing condition
private bool _isPressing;
// Hovering Gameobject, needed for WaitOver like clicking detection
private GameObject _hoveringObject;
// Joint type, we need it for getting body's hand world position
private JointType handType
if (trackingHandType == KinectUIHandType.Right)
return JointType.HandRight;
return JointType.HandLeft;
// Hovering Gameobject getter setter, needed for WaitOver like clicking detection
public GameObject HoveringObject
get { return _hoveringObject; }
if (value != _hoveringObject)
HoverTime = Time.time;
_hoveringObject = value;
if (_hoveringObject == null) return;
if (_hoveringObject.GetComponent<KinectUIWaitOverButton>())
ClickGesture = KinectUIClickGesture.WaitOver;
ClickGesture = KinectUIClickGesture.HandState;
public HandState CurrentHandState { get; private set; }
// Click gesture of button
public KinectUIClickGesture ClickGesture { get; private set; }
// Is this hand tracking started
public bool IsTracking { get; private set; }
// Is this hand over a UI component
public bool IsHovering { get; set; }
// Is hand dragging a component
public bool IsDraging { get; set; }
// Is hand pressing a button
public bool IsPressing
get { return _isPressing; }
_isPressing = value;
if (_isPressing)
TempHandPosition = HandPosition;
// Global position of tracked hand
public Vector3 HandPosition { get; private set; }
// Temporary hand position of hand, used for draging check
public Vector3 TempHandPosition { get; private set; }
// Hover start time, used for waitover type buttons
public float HoverTime { get; set; }
// Amout of wait over , between 1 - 0 , when reaches 1 button is clicked
public float WaitOverAmount { get; set; }
// Must be called for each hand
public void UpdateComponent(Body body)
HandPosition = GetVector3FromJoint(body.Joints[handType]);
CurrentHandState = GetStateFromJointType(body, handType);
IsTracking = true;
// Converts hand position to screen coordinates
public Vector3 GetHandScreenPosition()
return Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(new Vector3(HandPosition.x, HandPosition.y, HandPosition.z - handScreenPositionMultiplier));
// Get hand state data from kinect body
private HandState GetStateFromJointType(Body body, JointType type)
switch (type)
case JointType.HandLeft:
return body.HandLeftState;
case JointType.HandRight:
return body.HandRightState;
Debug.LogWarning("Please select a hand joint, by default right hand will be used!");
return body.HandRightState;
// Get Vector3 position from Joint position
private Vector3 GetVector3FromJoint(Windows.Kinect.Joint joint)
return new Vector3(joint.Position.X * 10, joint.Position.Y * 10, joint.Position.Z * 10);
public enum KinectUIClickGesture
HandState, Push, WaitOver
public enum KinectUIHandType
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hi sir
i've been recently visit your project, then i found something about your project about button cursor. i am working my final project for my college, do you have tutorial or something about handcursor object like in your project. i really needed your help about this, i've been looking everywhere and i found nothing how to do that.

looking forward for your response sir/mam. thankyou.

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