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Created January 29, 2012 20:51
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Tree Populator
* This file is part of Vanilla (
* Vanilla is licensed under the SpoutDev License Version 1.
* Vanilla is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* In addition, 180 days after any changes are published, you can use the
* software, incorporating those changes, under the terms of the MIT license,
* as described in the SpoutDev License Version 1.
* Vanilla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* the MIT license and the SpoutDev license version 1 along with this program.
* If not, see <> for the GNU Lesser General Public
* License and see <> for the full license,
* including the MIT license.
package org.spout.vanilla.generator.normal;
import java.util.Random;
import org.spout.api.generator.Populator;
import org.spout.api.geo.World;
import org.spout.api.geo.cuboid.Chunk;
import org.spout.api.geo.discrete.Point;
import org.spout.api.material.BlockMaterial;
import org.spout.api.material.MaterialData;
import org.spout.vanilla.VanillaBlocks;
public class TreePopulator implements Populator {
private Random random = new Random();
private void generateTreeByType(Chunk c, Point point, BlockMaterial wood){
/* Resolve to world position */
point = point.add(c.getBase());
int x = (int) point.getX();
int y = (int) point.getY();
int z = (int) point.getZ();
World world = c.getWorld();
BlockMaterial leaves = ( wood == VanillaBlocks.BIRCH_LOG ? VanillaBlocks.BIRCH_LEAVES : wood == VanillaBlocks.SPRUCE_LOG ? VanillaBlocks.SPRUCE_LEAVES : VanillaBlocks.LEAVES);
int treeBottom = y + 1;
world.setBlockMaterial(x,y,z,VanillaBlocks.DIRT, false, world);
/* Random trunk + 4 layer of leaves */
int treeHeight = random.nextInt(3) + 4;
/* Iterate tree leave heights */
for (int yy = (y - 3) + treeHeight; yy <= y + treeHeight; yy++) {
/* Calculate the width at this height */
int yOff = yy - (y + treeHeight);
int treeLayerWidth = 1 - yOff / 2;
for (int xx = x - treeLayerWidth; xx <= x + treeLayerWidth; xx++) {
for (int zz = z - treeLayerWidth; zz <= z + treeLayerWidth; zz++) {
* If the trees offset is on the most outset block, make it 50% chance.
* This makes the trees look more unique
if ((Math.abs(xx - x) != treeLayerWidth || Math.abs(zz - z) != treeLayerWidth || random.nextInt(2) != 0 && yOff != 0)){
/* All conditions are met, set those leaves */
world.setBlockMaterial(xx,yy,zz,leaves, false, world);
/* Create trunk */
for(int yy = treeBottom; yy < treeBottom + treeHeight; yy++)
world.setBlockMaterial(x,yy,z,wood, false, world);
public void generateNormalTree(Chunk c, Point point) {
generateTreeByType(c, point, VanillaBlocks.LOG);
public void generatePineTree(Chunk c, Point p) {
public void generateRedwoodTree(Chunk c, Point p) {
generateTreeByType(c, p, VanillaBlocks.SPRUCE_LOG);
public void generateBirchTree(Chunk c, Point point) {
generateTreeByType(c, point, VanillaBlocks.BIRCH_LOG);
public void populate(Chunk c) {
int treeCount = random.nextInt(10); /* Max of ten */
for(int tree = 0; tree < treeCount; tree++){
int x,y = -1,z;
/* Random horizontal plane */
x = random.nextInt(15);
z = random.nextInt(15);
/* Heighest dirt or grass point */
for(int yy = 15; yy >= 0; yy--){
int id;
if((id = c.getBlockId(x,yy,z)) != 0 && id != 2 && id != 3) {
}else if(id == 2 || id == 3){
y = yy;
} /* else air, continue on */
if(y == -1) continue;
Point p= new Point(c.getWorld(), x, y, z);
/* Need biomes so we can have swamp trees, Jungle and forest(pines) */
if(random.nextInt(10) == 0){
generatePineTree(c, p);
}else if(random.nextInt(5) == 0){
if(random.nextInt(5) == 0){
generateBirchTree(c, p);
}else if(random.nextInt(3) == 0){
generateRedwoodTree(c, p);
generateNormalTree(c, p);
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