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Last active May 18, 2019 16:55
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import gdb
import traceback
class StopAtRead(gdb.Command):
def __init__(self):
super(StopAtRead, self).__init__('stop_at_read', gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
def invoke(self, target_fd, from_tty):
gdb.execute('set pagination off')
gdb.execute('handle all nostop pass noprint')
gdb.execute('disable breakpoints')
gdb.execute('set scheduler-locking step')
ret = gdb.execute('info address read', False, True)
ret = ret.split()
read_addr = None
for addr in ret:
if addr.startswith('0x'):
read_addr = addr
gdb.execute('break *(%s)' % (read_addr))
fd = ''
while target_fd not in fd:
fd = gdb.execute('info register r0', False, True)
print "fd: %s" % fd
print "found fd: %s" % fd
class StopAtOpen(gdb.Command):
def __init__(self):
super(StopAtOpen, self).__init__('stop_at_open', gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
def invoke(self, target_file, from_tty):
gdb.execute('set pagination off')
gdb.execute('handle all nostop pass noprint')
gdb.execute('disable breakpoints')
gdb.execute('set scheduler-locking step')
ret = gdb.execute('info address open', False, True)
ret = ret.split()
open_addr = None
for addr in ret:
if addr.startswith('0x'):
open_addr = addr
gdb.execute('break *(%s)' % (open_addr))
file_name = ''
fd = ''
while target_file not in file_name:
file_name = gdb.execute('x/s $r0', False, True)
print "file opened: %s" % (file_name.rstrip())
lr = gdb.execute('info registers lr', False, True)
lr = lr.split()[1]
lr = int(lr,16) & 0xFFFFFFFE
# execute until open return
gdb.execute('break *0x%x' % lr)
gdb.execute('set scheduler-locking on') # lock thread
gdb.execute('set scheduler-locking step') # unlock thread
# get fd from r0
fd = gdb.execute('info register r0', False, True)
print "file opened: %s\n fd: %s" % (file_name.rstrip(), fd)
class StopAtLoad(gdb.Command):
def __init__(self):
super(StopAtLoad, self).__init__('stop_at_load', gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
def invoke(self, target_library, from_tty):
gdb.execute('set pagination off')
gdb.execute('handle all nostop pass noprint')
gdb.execute('disable breakpoints')
gdb.execute('set scheduler-locking step')
ret = gdb.execute('info address __dl__Z9do_dlopenPKciPK17android_dlextinfoPv', False, True)
ret = ret.split()
dlopen_addr = None
for addr in ret:
if addr.startswith('0x'):
dlopen_addr = addr
gdb.execute('break *(%s)' % (dlopen_addr))
library_name = ''
while target_library not in library_name:
library_name = gdb.execute('x/s $r0', False, True)
print "library_name: %s " % library_name
lr = gdb.execute('info registers lr', False, True)
lr = lr.split()[1]
lr = int(lr,16) & 0xFFFFFFFE
# execute until dlopen return
gdb.execute('break *0x%x' % lr)
gdb.execute('set scheduler-locking on') # lock thread
gdb.execute('set scheduler-locking step') # unlock thread
print "library %s loaded" % library_name
class FullSearch(gdb.Command):
def __init__(self):
super(FullSearch, self).__init__('full_search', gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
def invoke(self, argv, from_tty):
proc_mappings = gdb.execute('info proc mappings', False, True)
#[/sn] parameter
sn = argv.split(' ')[0]
if not sn.startswith('/'):
sn = ''
bytes = argv.strip(sn)
for line in proc_mappings.splitlines():
arr = line.strip().split(' ')
start_addr = arr[0].strip()
if start_addr.startswith('0x'):
end_addr = arr[1].strip()
# print 'find %s %s, %s, %s' % (sn, start_addr, end_addr, bytes)
result = gdb.execute('find %s %s, %s, %s' % (sn, start_addr, end_addr, bytes), False, True )
if "Pattern not found." not in result:
print result
except Exception as e:
print traceback.format_exc()
class InfoLib(gdb.Command):
def __init__(self):
super(InfoLib, self).__init__('infolib', gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
def invoke(self, lib, from_tty):
proc_mappings = gdb.execute('info proc mappings', False, True)
for line in proc_mappings.splitlines():
if lib in line:
print line
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