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Last active October 29, 2015 07:07
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Save nevyn/6533f61af8ffc80663f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Interface = require("../../Interface/")
class AWSStorageAdapter extends Interface.Storage
Path = require 'path'
AWS = require 'aws-sdk'
console.log("Hello index.js");
module.exports = require("./lib/Interface/");
module.exports.StorageAdapters.AWSStorageAdapter = require('./lib/Adapters/AWS/');
module.exports.StorageAdapters.SProxyStorageAdapter = require('./lib/Adapters/SProxy/');
console.log("Hello meteor-support");
/* Make this NPM package look like a Meteor package.
Q: Why not just make an "npm package wrapper"?
A: Because the package isn't published anywhere, and I (nevyn) can't figure out how to make it
depend on the package from a git URL (either 404's or complains about "exact version").
Q: But isn't this kinda ugly?
A: Eh yeah. If you know a better fix, lemme know and I'll do it.
// Catch module.exports = ... calls and just ignore them. package.js will do the actual exporting instead.
module = {}
// Catch require() calls. If it's to a local file, hard-code appropriate returns. Otherwise, let NPM handle it.
require = function(moduleName) {
if(moduleName.indexOf("") != -1)
return {Storage: Storage, StorageAdapters: StorageAdapters};
if(moduleName.indexOf("") != -1)
return AWSStorageAdapter;
if(moduleName.indexOf("") != -1)
return SProxyStorageAdapter;
if(moduleName.indexOf("") != -1)
return SProxyJWTSigner;
return Npm.require(moduleName)
name: 'lookback:storage',
version: '0.0.1',
// Brief, one-line summary of the package.
summary: '',
// URL to the Git repository containing the source code for this package.
git: '',
// By default, Meteor will default to using for documentation.
// To avoid submitting documentation, set this field to null.
documentation: ''
"mkdirp": "0.5.1",
// For the AWS adapter
"aws-sdk": "1.7.1",
"aws-cloudfront-sign": "2.0.1",
// For the SProxy adapter
"json-web-token": "1.5.3",
Package.onUse(function(api) {
api.use('coffeescript', 'server');
api.use('underscore', 'server');
], 'server');
api.export('Storage', 'server');
api.export('StorageAdapters', 'server');
api.export('AwsStorageAdapter', 'server');
api.export('SProxyJWTSigner', 'server');
api.export('SProxyStorageAdapter', 'server');
], 'server');
Package.onTest(function(api) {
Path = require("path")
http = require('http')
https = require('https')
URL = require('url')
fs = require('fs')
mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
Future = require('fibers/future')
_ = require('underscore')
# Base class and public interface for long-term file storage.
# Cloud uses an AWSStorageAdapter, onprem environments might use others.
class Storage
# Call this to access the currently configured storage adapter. Don't use
# subclasses directly unless you know what you're doing.
@shared: ->
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