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Created July 4, 2019 06:37
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taobao数据库内核月报 目录整理
# coding:utf-8
# 通用抓取脚本爬虫
# 抓取从主题列表分页,内容列表分页中的图片
import urllib
import requests
from urlparse import urlsplit
import urllib2
import os
import sys
hrefLeft = '' # 主题前缀 默认为空
titleFlge = 'a target="_top" class="main" ' # 主题标志
titleS = 'href="' # 主题链接开始
titleE = '">' # 主题链接结束
PageTitle = 20 # 每页主题数量
DetailSiteSuffix = '' # 内容连接类型 .html .shtml
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6'}
pageFlge = '<small class="datetime muted"' # 主题前缀
pageTitleS = '<a href="' # 主题标题开始
pageTitleE = '</a>' # 主题标题结束
def OpenPageSite(url):
global hrefLeft
global titleS
global titleFlge
global PageTitle
global DetailSiteSuffix
global headers
req = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=headers)
contentMap = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
title = contentMap.find(titleFlge)
href = contentMap.find(titleS, title)
html = contentMap.find(titleE, href)
len(contentMap), title, href, html
if (title == 0 and href == 0 and html == 0) or (title == - 1 and href == - 1 and html == - 1):
' Detail not find'
i = 0
PageTitle = contentMap.count(titleFlge)
url = [''] * PageTitle
while title != - 1 and href != - 1 and html != - 1 and i < len(url):
webAdd = hrefLeft + contentMap[href + len(titleS):html] + DetailSiteSuffix
url[i] = webAdd
title = contentMap.find(titleFlge, html)
href = contentMap.find(titleS, title)
html = contentMap.find(titleE, href)
i = i + 1
' page find end'
i = 0
while i < len(url):
i = i + 1
def OpenPage(url):
global headers
global pageFlge
global pageTitleS
global pageTitleE
f = open("out.txt", 'a+')
if (len(url) == 0):
type = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
req = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=headers)
contentMap = urllib2.urlopen(req).read().decode('utf-8').encode(type)
title = contentMap.find(pageFlge)
href = contentMap.find(pageTitleS, title)
html = contentMap.find(pageTitleE, href)
if (title == 0 and href == 0 and html == 0) or (title == - 1 and href == - 1 and html == - 1):
' Detail not find'
i = 0
PageTitle = contentMap.count(pageFlge)
url = [''] * PageTitle
while title != - 1 and href != - 1 and html != - 1 and i < len(url):
_url = contentMap[href + len(pageTitleS):html].strip()
# print hrefLeft
# print _url
print >> f, hrefLeft + _url.replace("\n", "").replace('target="_blank">', '').replace('"', '')
title = contentMap.find(pageFlge, html)
href = contentMap.find(pageTitleS, title)
html = contentMap.find(pageTitleE, href)
i = i + 1
' page find end'
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