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Last active July 15, 2019 11:30
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Neuronal excitation from stochastic ion channels

This is an animation representing the Morris-Lecar model of a neuron driven by stochastic ion channels. Ion channels open and close randomly through time, and they are visible while open. The fast sodium channels are colored orange, and the slow potassium channels are colored blue.

<!DOCTYPE html>
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tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]},
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<script type="text/javascript"
body {
top: 100%;
left: 100%;
background: rgba(44,64,76,.18);
#ionGraphAnimation {
fill: #2C404C;
font: 10px serif;
#ionChannelAnimation {
.yaxis line, .yaxis path {
fill: none;
stroke: #2C404C;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.move.line {
stroke-width: 1.5px;
shape-rendering: optimizeSpeed;
#slider {
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width: 150px;
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leftSide {
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<section data-state="IonSlide">
<div id="ionGraphAnimation"></div>
<div id="ionChannelAnimation"></div>
<leftSide style="width:65%;text-align:center;font-size:16pt">
<span style="color:#ff4000">sodium channels (fast)</span>
<span style="color:#0080FF">potassium channels (slow)</span>
<rightSide style="width:30%;">
<input type="range" id="IappSlider" value="17" min="0" max="20">
<span style="font-size:15pt">
\(I_{\rm applied}=\) <span id="IappVal"></span>
<textBox style="width:100%;" touch-action="none">
Stochastic Morris-Lecar
C_{\rm m}\frac{dV}{dt} &=
\color{#ff4000}{F_{Na}(t, V)}\bar{g}_{Na}[V_{Na} - V(t)]
+ \color{#0080FF}{F_{K}(t, V)}\bar{g}_{K}[V_{K} - V(t)] \\
&\qquad + I_{\rm leak}(V(t)) + I_{\rm applied}
<div style="font-size:18px;margin-top:40pt">
<p style="text-align:left">J Newby and J Keener. PRE, 2011<br>
J Newby, P Bressloff, and J Keener. PRL, 2013<br>
J Newby. SIAM Appl Dyn Syst, 2014
<script src="">
<script src="ionChannel_anim.js"></script>
(function () {
//// Model parameters (data that does not change)
var gna = 0.22,
gk = 0.4,
gl = 0.1,
vna = 3.73,
vk = -0.9,
vl = -0.36,
thNa1 = 1.57,
thNa2 = -1.02,
thK1 = -2.3,
thK2 = 1.,
betaNa = 1,
betaK = 0.05,
NNa = 300, NK = 200; // total number of channels
//// data that changes
// voltage, time and the number of open ion channels
var v = -0.3, t = 0,
nNa = 0, nK = 0;
// applied current changes on mouse over
// to store ion channel data (S=0 for closed and S=1 for on)
var nodesNa = d3.range(NNa).map(randIC);
var nodesK = d3.range(NK).map(randIC);
function randIC(i) {
var r = 150*Math.sqrt(Math.random()),
theta = 2*Math.PI*Math.random();
return {S:0,
x: 150 + r*Math.cos(theta),
y: 150 + r*Math.sin(theta)};
////////////// Event-based simulation ////////////
// Intended for visualization puposes only
function evolveSimulation() {
var t0 = t;
while (t-t0 < 0.7) { // evolves simulation forward until dt time has ellapsed
function flip() { // each time this is called, a single ion channel is either open or closed
var u = Math.random(1),
rNaClose = betaNa*nNa,
rNaOpen = betaNa*alphaNa(v)*(NNa - nNa),
rKClose = betaK*alphaK(v)*nK,
rKOpen = betaK/alphaK(v)*(NK - nK);
var rtot = rNaClose + rNaOpen + rKClose + rKOpen;
if (u < rNaClose/rtot) { // Na channel close
// this is not the correct way to sample the random time
// the rates depend on voltage, which depends on time...
dt = -Math.log(Math.random(1))/rNaClose;
v = voltage(dt);
t += dt;
nodesNa[findOpenNa()].S = 0;
nNa --;
else if (u < (rNaClose + rNaOpen)/rtot) { // Na channel open
dt = -Math.log(Math.random(1))/rNaOpen;
v = voltage(dt);
t += dt;
nodesNa[findClosedNa()].S = 1;
nNa ++;
else if (u < (rNaClose + rNaOpen + rKClose)/rtot) { // K channel close
dt = -Math.log(Math.random(1))/rKClose;
v = voltage(dt);
t += dt;
nodesK[findOpenK()].S = 0;
nK --;
else { // K channel open
dt = -Math.log(Math.random(1))/rKOpen;
v = voltage(dt);
t += dt;
nodesK[findClosedK()].S = 1;
nK ++;
function findOpenNa() {
var j = 0, r = randint(1, nNa);
for (var n=0; n<NNa; n++) {
if (nodesNa[n].S == 1) j++;
if (j == r) return n;
function findClosedNa() {
var j = 0, r = randint(1, NNa-nNa);
for (var n=0; n<NNa; n++) {
if (nodesNa[n].S == 0) j++;
if (j == r) return n;
function findOpenK() {
var j = 0, r = randint(1, nK);
for (var n=0; n<NK; n++) {
if (nodesK[n].S == 1) j++;
if (j == r) return n;
function findClosedK() {
var j = 0, r = randint(1, NK-nK);
for (var n=0; n<NK; n++) {
if (nodesK[n].S == 0) j++;
if (j == r) return n;
function voltage(dt) {
var q1 = nNa/NNa*gna + nK/NK*gk + gl;
var q2 = nNa/NNa*gna*vna + nK/NK*gk*vk + gl*vl + Iapp;
return (v - q2/q1)*Math.exp(-q1*dt) + q2/q1;
function alphaNa(v) {return Math.exp(4*(thNa1*v + thNa2));}
function alphaK(v) {return Math.exp(thK1*v + thK2);}
function uniform(a, b) {return a + (b - a)*Math.random(1);}
function randint(a, b) {return Math.round(uniform(a, b));}
//// animation setup ////
var ionChannelBoxWidth = 300,
graphBoxSeparation = 10,
graphWidth = 900 - ionChannelBoxWidth - graphBoxSeparation,
graphHeight = 310,
channelRadius = 5,
cNa = "#FF4000", // orange
cK = "#0080FF"; // blue
//// svg
var graphSvg ="#ionGraphAnimation")
.attr("width", graphWidth)
.attr("height", graphHeight),
g = graphSvg.append("g"),
ionChannelSvg ="#ionChannelAnimation")
.attr("width", ionChannelBoxWidth)
.attr("height", ionChannelBoxWidth);
/////////// graph ///////////
var wxgraph = g.append("g"), // channel fraction graph
vgraph = g.append("g"), // voltage graph
Npts = 500,
data = d3.range(Npts).map(
function (i) {return {v: -55, w: 0, x: 0};}
var vs = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([-60, 30])
.range([graphHeight/2, 5]),
vline = d3.svg.line()
.x((d, i) => i - Npts - 30)
.y(d => vs(d.v)),
ws = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 1])
.range([graphHeight - 5, graphHeight/2 + 20]),
wline = d3.svg.line()
.x((d, i) => i - Npts - 30)
.y(d => ws(d.w)),
xs = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 1])
.range([graphHeight - 5, graphHeight/2 + 20]),
NaLine = d3.svg.line()
.x((d, i) => i - Npts - 30)
.y(d => xs(d.x)),
//// axis for v
vaxis = vgraph
.attr("class", "yaxis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (graphWidth-35) + ", 0)")
.append("text").attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
.attr("x", -graphHeight/4).attr("y", 20)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.text("voltage (mV)")
.style("font-size", 16)
.style("font-family", "sans-serif")
.style("font-weight", 200),
//// axis for w and x
wxaxis = wxgraph
.attr("class", "yaxis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (graphWidth-35) + ", 0)")
.call(d3.svg.axis().scale(xs).orient("left").tickValues([0, 0.5, 1]))
.append("text").attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
.attr("x", -graphHeight*0.78).attr("y", 20)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.text("open fraction")
.style("font-size", 16)
.style("font-family", "sans-serif")
.style("font-weight", 200),
vPath = vgraph
.attr("class", "move line")
.attr("d", vline);
wPath = wxgraph
.attr("class", "move line")
.attr("d", wline)
.style("stroke", cK),
NaPath = wxgraph
.attr("class", "move line")
.attr("d", NaLine)
.style("stroke", cNa);
vDimensional = function (v) {return v*44 - 44;}
function tick() {
// Main function that graphs voltage and ion channel fractions
NaPath.attr("d", NaLine);
wPath.attr("d", wline);
vPath.attr("d", vline);
data.push({v: vDimensional(v), w: nK/NK, x: nNa/NNa}); // get current values from simulation data
evolveSimulation(); // evolve monte carlo simulation forward in time"fill-opacity", d => ((d.S == 0) ? 0: 1))"fill-opacity", d => ((d.S == 0) ? 0: 1))
if (!IONisOn) {
return 1;
///////// channels //////////
var ionChannelBox = ionChannelSvg.append("g");
/////// background for channels animation
.attr("width", ionChannelBoxWidth)
.attr("height", ionChannelBoxWidth)
.style("fill", "none");
var NaChannels = ionChannelBox.append("g")
.attr("r", channelRadius)
.attr("cx", d => d.x) //channel locations
.attr("cy", d => d.y)
.style("stroke", "#000")
.style("stroke-width", 0.5)
.style("fill", cNa);
var KChannels = ionChannelBox.append("g")
.attr("r", channelRadius)
.attr("cx", d => d.x) //channel locations
.attr("cy", d => d.y)
.style("stroke", "#000")
.style("stroke-width", 0.5)
.style("fill", cK);
////// force layout animation ////
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([ionChannelBoxWidth, ionChannelBoxWidth])
function () {
.attr("cx", d => d.x) //channel locations
.attr("cy", d => d.y);
.attr("cx", d => d.x) //channel locations
.attr("cy", d => d.y);
function reflectingBoundary(node) {
// reflecting boundaries to hold in the channels
// also gives them a random push
if (node.x > ionChannelBoxWidth) node.x = ionChannelBoxWidth;
else if (node.x < 0) node.x = 0;
if (node.y > ionChannelBoxWidth) node.y = ionChannelBoxWidth;
else if (node.y < 0) node.y = 0;
IONisOn = true;
/////////////// interaction //////////////
var IappSlider = document.querySelector("#IappSlider"),
Iapp = IappSlider.value/100;
document.getElementById("IappVal").innerHTML = Iapp.toPrecision(2);
function () {
Iapp = IappSlider.value/100;
document.getElementById("IappVal").innerHTML = Iapp.toPrecision(2);
}, false);
function delaystop() {
return 1;
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