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Created December 3, 2011 02:48
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A method for constructing incanter matrices in an easy fashion
;; enables you to define an incanter matrix (2-dimensional only) by a rule based on i j index
(defmacro matrix-rule [m index-rule application-fn]
(into [] (for [i# (range 0 (incanter/nrow ~m))]
(into [] (for [j# (range 0 (incanter/ncol ~m))]
(if (~index-rule i# j#)
(~application-fn i# j#)
(incanter/sel ~m i# j#))))))))
(defn diagonal? [i j]
(= i j))
(defn upper? [i j]
(> j i))
(defn lower? [i j]
(< j i))
;; best if used in a threaded way
(-> (incanter.core/matrix 0 3 3)
(matrix-rule diagonal? (fn [i j] 5)) ;; make the diagonal 5
(matrix-rule upper? (fn [i j] (+ i j))) ;; make the upper diagonal equal to i + j
(matrix-rule lower? (fn [i j] (- i j)))) ;; make the lower diagonal equal to i - j
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