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Created December 11, 2016 20:00
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public class SecretSantaSelection {
private final long phoneNumber;
private final String message;
public SecretSantaSelection(final long phoneNumber, final String message) {
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.message = message;
public long getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public static List<SecretSantaSelection> generateSecretSantaList() {
final List<String> allFolks = Arrays.asList("phil", "melissa", "lacey", "meredith");
final Map<String, Boolean> people = new HashMap<>();
people.put("phil", false);
people.put("melissa", false);
people.put("lacey", false);
people.put("meredith", false);
final Map<String, Long> phoneNumbers = new HashMap<>();
phoneNumbers.put("phil", 7137037691L);
phoneNumbers.put("melissa", 4128418334L);
phoneNumbers.put("meredith", 6177946733L);
phoneNumbers.put("lacey", 4088230751L);
final Set<String> secretSantaSelections = new HashSet<>();
final Map<String, String> selections = new HashMap<>();
boolean filled = false;
while (!filled) {
final Optional<String> nextSelection = people.entrySet().parallelStream()
.filter(entry -> !people.get(entry.getKey())) // ensure this person hasn't received a secret santa yet
if (nextSelection.isPresent()) {
final String selection = nextSelection.get();
boolean foundSelection = false;
while (!foundSelection) {
final Optional<String> secretSantaSelection =
.filter(secretSanta -> !secretSanta.equals(selection))
.filter(secretSanta -> !secretSantaSelections.contains(secretSanta))
//.filter(secretSanta -> !couples.get(selection).equals(secretSanta))
if (secretSantaSelection.isPresent()) {
secretSantaSelections.add(secretSantaSelection.get()); // selected a match
selections.put(selection, secretSantaSelection.get());
people.put(selection, true);
foundSelection = true;
} else {
filled = true;
final Map<String, String> couplesNames = new HashMap<>();
couplesNames.put("phil", "Roxanne and Phil");
couplesNames.put("melissa", "Matt and Melissa");
couplesNames.put("lacey", "Scott and Lacey");
couplesNames.put("meredith", "Meredith");
final String secretSantaMessage = "Dear %s. Your secret santa selection for this christmas is %s. The total budget is $100";
return selections.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> {
final String coupleSending = couplesNames.get(entry.getKey());
final String coupleReceiving = couplesNames.get(entry.getValue());
final String message = String.format(secretSantaMessage, coupleSending, coupleReceiving);
final long phoneNumber = phoneNumbers.get(entry.getKey());
return new SecretSantaSelection(phoneNumber, message);
public Response runSecretSanta(final @QueryParam("to") String toNumber, final @QueryParam("message") String message) {
final String to = "+1" + toNumber;
final String from = "+14087676479";
final Message sms = Message
.creator(new PhoneNumber(to), new PhoneNumber(from), message)
.create();"smsSent: sid={}", sms.getSid());
return Response.ok().entity("{\"id\": " + sms.getSid() + "}").build();
public Response secretSanta() {
final List<SecretSantaSelection> selections = generateSecretSantaList();
selections.forEach(selection -> runSecretSanta(String.valueOf(selection.getPhoneNumber()), selection.getMessage()));
return Response.ok().entity("{\"status\": \"complete\"}").build();
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