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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Readme for this contest

General context of this contest

Human immune system produces a vast variety of antibodies in order to respond to the external stimuli. Next-generation sequencing technology allows researchers to obtain the sequences of all antibodies from a single person. Clustering these antibody sequences allows us to understand how an antibody is produced. However, the number of antibody sequences from a single sample can be up to 1 million scale. Clustering with such a big scale poses a big computation challenge.

Current algorithm

The current algorithm for clustering antibody sequences computes a pairwise distance matrix, and then perform a hierarchical clustering to group sequences into clusters. This algorithm is implemented in Python as provided script. script runs on both Python v2.7 and Python v3.x as:

python <input_file> <output_file>

Required arguments:

  • input_file: a JSON file with X number of sequence objects.
  • output_file: a text output of clustering result, an integer array with assigned cluster numbers.

Optional arguments:

  • -n N: processed N number of sequences from the input_file
  • -m : print out some memory usage information during the calculation


python NBD4681.json test.out
python3 NBD4681.json test.out
python3 NBD4681.json test.out -n 1000
python3 NBD4681.json test.out -n 1000 -m

Sample input_file and output_file (download here):

We provide these sample input files for implementation purpose:

  • NBD4681.json this file contains 23,878 sequence objects
  • NBD4681_100k.json this file contains 100,000 sequence objects

And their sample output_file as the reference:

  • NBD4681_clusters.txt (NBD4681.json as the input_file)
  • NBD4681_100k_clusters.txt (NBD4681_100k.json as the input_file)

Purpose of this contest

  • Optimize the clustering algorithm and its implementation to achieve perfect or high accuracy and faster performance.
  • Implement scalable solution for this clustering task, in order to handle large scale of input. In other words, we can simply add additional (same capacity) computing nodes to speed up the computation if we need to handle larger number of input sequences.

Implementation requirement

  • No language preference, but should be able to wrappable as Python API.
  • The implementation will be evaluated under Linux environment (we use the lastest Ubuntu Server edition).


  • Contestants should provide both the code and the desired computation setup based on Amazon AWS.
  • Contestants are allowed to use up to ten Amazon AWS c3.2xlarge instances (15G/8core) to build a computing cluster.
  • The evaluation is based on a set of 100K input sequence objects, including provided "NBD4681_100k.json" and other undisclosed input files. Both the speed and the accuracy of the output will be considered. The accuracy is determined by comparing against the output of the current script.
  • Bonus points for dynamically adjustable cluster size (e.g. depending on the size of input)
Python module dependencies:
Under Ubuntu, scipy, numpy and biopython can be installed as:
sudo apt-get install python-biopython python-numpy python-scipy
fastcluster and python-Levenshtein can be installed using pip:
pip install fastcluster python-Levenshtein
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import math
import json
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import fastcluster as fc
from Bio import pairwise2
from Levenshtein import distance
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster
import subprocess
import os
import resource
default_dtype = 'f4'
distance_cutoff = 0.32
class Seq(object):
"""Contains genetic characteristics for a single sequence.
data = a MongoDB result (dict-like) containing the following fields:
[seq_id, v_gene, j_gene, <junc_query>, var_muts_nt]
where <junc_query> is the sequence of the nucleotide or AA junction.
junc_query = either 'junc_aa' or 'junc_nt' for nucleotide or AA junctions, respectively.
def __init__(self, data, junc_query): = data['seq_id']
self.v_fam = data['v_gene']['fam']
self.v_gene = data['v_gene']['gene']
self.v_all = data['v_gene']['all']
self.j_gene = data['j_gene']['gene']
self.j_all = data['j_gene']['all']
self.junc = data[junc_query]
self.junc_len = len(self.junc)
self.muts = []
if 'var_muts_nt' in data.keys():
self.muts = data['var_muts_nt']
def v_gene_string(self):
return 'v{0}-{1}'.format(self.v_fam, self.v_gene)
def v_fam_string(self):
return 'v{0}'.format(self.v_fam)
def get_LD(i, j):
'''Calculate sequence distance between a pair of Seq objects'''
# pairwise2 is used to force 'gapless' distance when sequence pair is of the same length
if i.junc_len == j.junc_len:
identity = pairwise2.align.globalms(i.junc, j.junc, 1, 0, -50, -50, score_only=True, one_alignment_only=True)
return i.junc_len - identity
# Levenshtein distance is used for sequence pairs of different lengths
return distance(i.junc, j.junc)
def vCompare(i, j):
'''Calculate penalty for mismatches in Variable segment.'''
if i.v_gene != j.v_gene:
return 8
if i.v_all != j.v_all:
return 1
return 0
def jCompare(i, j):
'''Calculate penalty for mismatches in Joining segment.'''
if i.j_gene != j.j_gene:
return 8
if i.j_all != j.j_all:
return 1
return 0
def sharedMuts(i, j):
'''Calculate bonus for shared mutations.'''
if ==
return 0.0
bonus = 0.0
for mut in i.muts:
if mut == '':
if mut in j.muts:
bonus += 0.35
return bonus
def get_score(i, j=None):
if j is None:
i, j = i
if ==
return 0.0
LD = get_LD(i, j)
vPenalty = vCompare(i, j)
jPenalty = jCompare(i, j)
lenPenalty = math.fabs(i.junc_len - j.junc_len) * 2
editLength = min(i.junc_len, j.junc_len)
mutBonus = sharedMuts(i, j)
if mutBonus > (LD + vPenalty + jPenalty):
mutBonus = (LD + vPenalty + jPenalty - 0.001) # distance values can't be negative
return (LD + vPenalty + jPenalty + lenPenalty - mutBonus) / editLength
def make_iter(seqs, mode=1):
for i, seq_i in enumerate(seqs):
if mode == 1:
for seq_j in seqs[i + 1:]:
yield (seq_i, seq_j)
yield (seq_i, seqs[i + 1:])
def get_scores_one_row(args):
(seq_i, row_j) = args
return np.array([get_score(seq_i, seq_j) for seq_j in row_j], dtype=default_dtype)
def build_condensed_matrix(seqs, mode=2):
result = np.array([], dtype=default_dtype)
p = Pool(processes=cpu_count())
if mode == 1:
n = len(seqs)
#chunksize = 500000
chunksize = int(n * (n - 1) / 2 / cpu_count() / 2)
result_one = p.imap(get_score, make_iter(seqs, mode=1), chunksize=chunksize)
result = np.array(list(result_one), dtype=default_dtype)
result_one_row = p.imap(get_scores_one_row, make_iter(seqs, mode=2), chunksize=100)
result = np.concatenate(list(result_one_row))
return result
def build_cluster_dict(flatCluster):
clusters = {}
for i, c in enumerate(flatCluster):
if c in clusters:
clusters[c] = [i]
return clusters
def make_clusters(con_distMatrix):
linkageMatrix = fc.linkage(con_distMatrix, method='average', preserve_input=False)
del con_distMatrix
flatCluster = fcluster(linkageMatrix, distance_cutoff, criterion='distance')
del linkageMatrix
return flatCluster
def write_output(outfile, clusters, seqs, vh='v0'):
with open(outfile, 'w') as out_f:
for c in clusters.keys():
if len(clusters[c]) < 2:
rString = "#lineage_{0}_{1}\n".format(vh, str(c))
for seq_idx in clusters[c]:
seq = seqs[seq_idx]
rString += '>{0}\n{1}\n'.format(, seq.junc)
rString += '\n'
def get_memery_usage():
rss = subprocess.check_output('ps -p {} u'.format(os.getpid()), shell=True).decode('utf-8').split('\n')[1].split()[5]
max_rss = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
print('current_rss: {}\tmax_rss: {}'.format(rss, max_rss))
def analyze(infile, outfile=None, n=None, output_format='cluster_only', memory_usage=False):
if memory_usage:
t00 = time.time()
print("Loading input sequences...", end='')
with open(infile) as in_f:
seqs = json.load(in_f)
if n:
seqs = seqs[:n]
seqs = [Seq(s, 'junc_aa') for s in seqs]
print("done. [{}, {:.2f}s]".format(len(seqs), time.time() - t00))
if memory_usage:
t0 = time.time()
print("Calculating condensed distance matrix...", end='')
con_distMatrix = build_condensed_matrix(seqs, mode=2) # ####
print("done. [{}, {:.2f}s]".format(con_distMatrix.shape, time.time() - t0))
print("\tmin: {}, max: {}".format(con_distMatrix.min(), con_distMatrix.max()))
if memory_usage:
t0 = time.time()
print("Calculating clusters...", end='')
clusters = make_clusters(con_distMatrix)
print("done. [{}, {:.2f}s]".format(clusters.max(), time.time() - t0))
if memory_usage:
t0 = time.time()
print ("Outputting clusters...", end='')
if output_format == 'seqs':
clusters = build_cluster_dict(clusters)
write_output(outfile, clusters, seqs)
np.savetxt(outfile, clusters, fmt='%d')
print("done. {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t0))
print('=' * 20)
print("Finished! Total time= {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t00))
if memory_usage:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Clonify script.')
parser.add_argument('infile', action="store", help='input sequence file')
parser.add_argument('outfile', action="store", help='output file')
parser.add_argument('-n', action="store", dest="n", type=int,
help='maximum number of sequences to process from input file')
parser.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='output_format', default='cluster_only',
help='output format: cluster_only | seqs.')
parser.add_argument('-m', action='store_true', dest='memory_usage',
help='print out memeory useage')
args = parser.parse_args()
analyze(args.infile, args.outfile, n=args.n,
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