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Created December 31, 2013 14:36
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** File: class.magic-min.php
** Class: MagicMin
** Description: Javascript and CSS minification/merging class to simplify movement from development to production versions of files
** Dependencies: jsMin (
** Version: 2.5
** Created: 01-Jun-2013
** Updated: 18-Jun-2013
** Author: Bennett Stone
** Homepage:
** The source code included in this package is free software; you can
** redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This license can be
** read at:
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
** FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
** Usage:
** $min = new Minifier();
** <script src="<?php $min->minify( '[source filename]', '[output filename (optional)]', '[version (optional)]' ); ?>"></script>
** <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="<?php $min->minify( 'css/copy-from.css', 'css/test-prod.minified.css', '1.8' ); ?>">
** Usage example for merge and minify:
** $min->merge( 'output filename and location', 'directory', 'type (js or css)', array( of items to exclude ) );
** $min->merge( 'js/one-file-merged.js', 'js', 'js', array( 'js/inline-edit.js', 'js/autogrow.js' ) );
** Normalized output example using merge and minify:
** <script src="<?php $min->merge( 'js/production.min.js', 'js', 'js' ); ?>"></script>
** Adding gzip, base64 image encoding, or returning rather than echo:
** $vars = array(
** 'echo' => false,
** 'encode' => true,
** 'timer' => true,
** 'gzip' => true
** );
** $minified = new Minifier( $vars );
** Using JShrink for js minification as opposed to google closure (default set to google closure)
** $vars = array(
** 'closure' => false,
** 'gzip' => true,
** 'encode' => true
** );
** $minified = new Minifier( $vars );
**------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class Minifier {
public $content;
public $output_file;
public $extension;
private $type;
//Return or echo the values
private $print = true;
//base64 images from CSS and include as part of the file?
private $merge_images = false;
//Use google closure (utilizes cURL)
private $use_closure = true;
//Max image size for inclusion
const IMAGE_MAX_SIZE = 5;
//For script execution time (src:
private $mtime;
private $timer = false;
//Output as php with gzip?
private $gzip = false;
//Sum of output messages
private $messages = array();
* Construct function
* @access public
* @param array $vars
* @return mixed
public function __construct( $vars = array() )
global $messages;
//Return vs echo (echo default)
if( isset( $vars['echo'] ) && $vars['echo'] == false )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log'] = 'Echo for output';
$this->print = false;
$this->print = true;
//base64 images and include as part of CSS (default is false)
if( isset( $vars['encode'] ) && $vars['encode'] == true )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log'] = 'Base64encoding enabled';
$this->merge_images = $vars['encode'];
//Output a timer (defaut is false)
if( isset( $vars['timer'] ) && $vars['timer'] == true )
$this->timer = true;
$this->mtime = microtime( true );
//Output files as php with gZip (default is false)
if( isset( $vars['gzip'] ) && $vars['gzip'] == true )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log'] = 'Gzip enabled';
$this->gzip = true;
//Use google closure API via cURL (defaults to false and will rely on jShrink-Minifier.php)
if( isset( $vars['closure'] ) && $vars['closure'] == true )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log'] = 'Google Closure API enabled';
$this->use_closure = true;
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log'] = 'jShrink enabled';
$this->use_closure = false;
} //end __construct()
* Private function to strip directory names from TOC output
* Used for make_min()
* @access private
* @param array $input
* @return array $output
private function strip_directory( $input )
return basename( $input );
* Private function to determine if files are local or remote
* Used for merge_images() and minify() to determine if filemtime can be used
* @access private
* @param string $file
* @return bool
private function remote_file( $file )
//It is a remote file
if( preg_match( "/(http|https)/", $file ) )
return true;
//Local file
return false;
* Function to seek out and replace image references within CSS with base64_encoded data streams
* Used in minify_contents function IF global for $this->merge_images
* This function will retrieve the contents of local OR remote images, and is based on
* Matthias Mullie <>'s function, "importFiles" from the JavaScript and CSS minifier
* @access private
* @param string $source_file (used for location)
* @param string $contents
* @return string $updated_style
private function merge_images( $source_file, $contents )
global $messages;
$this->directory = dirname( $source_file ) .'/';
if( preg_match_all( '/url\((["\']?)((?!["\']?data:).*?\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg))\\1\)/i', $contents, $this->matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) )
$this->find = array();
$this->replace = array();
foreach( $this->matches as $this->graphic )
$this->extension = pathinfo( $this->graphic[2], PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
$this->image_file = '';
//See if the file is remote or local
if( $this->remote_file( $this->graphic[2] ) )
//It's remote, and CURL is pretty fast
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->graphic[2] );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
//And it WAS remote, and it DOES exist
if( curl_exec( $ch ) !== FALSE )
//Get the image file
$cd = curl_init( $this->graphic[2] );
curl_setopt( $cd, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
curl_setopt( $cd, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt( $cd, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1 );
$this->image_file = curl_exec( $cd );
//Get the remote filesize
$this->filesize = curl_getinfo( $cd, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD );
curl_close( $cd );
if( $this->filesize <= Minifier::IMAGE_MAX_SIZE * 1024 )
//Assign the find and replace
$this->find[] = $this->graphic[0];
$this->replace[] = 'url(data:'.$this->extension.';base64,'.base64_encode( $this->image_file ).')';
} //End file exists
curl_close( $ch );
} //End remote file
elseif( file_exists( $this->directory . $this->graphic[2] ) )
//File DOES exist locally, get the contents
//Check the filesize
$this->filesize = filesize( $this->directory . $this->graphic[2] );
if( $this->filesize <= Minifier::IMAGE_MAX_SIZE * 1024 )
//File is within the filesize requirements so add it
$this->image_file = file_get_contents( $this->directory . $this->graphic[2] );
//Assign the find and replace
$this->find[] = $this->graphic[0];
$this->replace[] = 'url(data:'.$this->extension.';base64,'.base64_encode( $this->image_file ).')';
} //End local file
//Log the number of replacements to the console
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: merge_images'] = count( $this->replace ) .' files base64_encoded into ' . $source_file;
//Find and replace all the images with the base64 data
$this->updated_style = str_replace( $this->find, $this->replace, $contents );
return $this->updated_style;
} //End if( regex for images)
//No images found in the sheet, just return the contents
return $contents;
} //end merge_images()
* Private function to handle minification of file contents
* Supports CSS and JS files
* @access private
* @param string $src_file
* @param bool $run_minification (default true)
* @return string $content
private function minify_contents( $src_file, $run_minification = true )
global $messages;
$this->source = @file_get_contents( $src_file );
//Log the error and continue if we can't get the file contents
if( !$this->source )
$this->messages[]['Minifier ERROR'] = 'Unable to retrieve the contents of '. $src_file . '. Skipping at '. __LINE__ .' in '. basename( __FILE__ );
//This will cause potential js errors, but allow the script to continue processing while notifying the user via console
$this->source = '';
$this->type = strtolower( pathinfo( $src_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) );
$this->output = '';
* If the filename indicates that the contents are already minified, we'll just return the contents
* If the switch is flipped (useful for loading things such as jquery via google cdn)
if( preg_match( '/\.min\./i', $src_file ) || $run_minification === false )
return $this->source;
if( !empty( $this->type ) && $this->type == 'css' )
$this->content = $this->source;
//If the param is set to merge images into the css before minifying...
if( $this->merge_images )
$this->content = $this->merge_images( $src_file, $this->content );
/* remove comments */
$this->content = preg_replace( '!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $this->content );
/* remove tabs, spaces, newlines, etc. */
$this->content = str_replace( array("\r\n","\r","\n","\t",' ',' ',' '), '', $this->content );
/* remove other spaces before/after ; */
$this->content = preg_replace( array('(( )+{)','({( )+)'), '{', $this->content );
$this->content = preg_replace( array('(( )+})','(}( )+)','(;( )*})'), '}', $this->content );
$this->content = preg_replace( array('(;( )+)','(( )+;)'), ';', $this->content );
} //end $this->type == 'css'
if( !empty( $this->type ) && $this->type == 'js' )
$this->content = $this->source;
* Migrated preg_replace and str_replace custom minification to use google closure API
* OR jsMin on 15-Jun-2013 due to js minification irregularities with most regex's:
* Accomodates lack of local file for JShrink by getting contents from github
* and writing to a local file for the class (just in case)
* If bool is passed for 'closure' => true during class initiation, cURL request processes
if( $this->use_closure )
//Build the data array
$data = array(
'compilation_level' => 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS',
'output_format' => 'text',
'output_info' => 'compiled_code',
'js_code' => urlencode( $this->content )
//Compile it into a post compatible format
$fields_string = '';
foreach( $data as $key => $value )
$fields_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
rtrim( $fields_string, '&' );
//Initiate and execute the curl request
$h = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $h, CURLOPT_URL, '' );
curl_setopt( $h, CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $h, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string );
curl_setopt( $h, CURLOPT_HEADER, false );
curl_setopt( $h, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
$result = curl_exec( $h );
$this->content = $result;
//close connection
curl_close( $h );
} //end if( $this->use_closure )
//Not using google closure, default to JShrink but make sure the file exists
if( !file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/jShrink.php' ) )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log'] = 'jShrink does not exist locally. Retrieving...';
$this->handle = fopen( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/jShrink.php', 'w' );
$this->jshrink = file_get_contents( '' );
fwrite( $this->handle, $this->jshrink );
fclose( $this->handle );
//Include jsmin
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/jShrink.php' );
//Minify the javascript
$this->content = JShrink\Minifier::minify( $this->content, array( 'flaggedComments' => false ) );
} //end if( !$this->use_closure )
} //end $this->type == 'js'
//Add to the output and return it
$this->output .= $this->content;
return $this->output;
} //end minify_contents()
* Private function to create file with, or without minified contents
* @access private
* @param string path to, and name of source file
* @param string path to, and name of new minified file
* @param bool $do_minify (default is true) (used for remote files)
* @return string new filename/location (same as path to variable)
private function make_min( $src_file, $new_file, $do_minify = true )
global $messages;
$this->messages[]['Minifier note'] = 'Writing new file to '. dirname( $new_file );
//Make sure the directory is writable
if( !is_writeable( dirname( $new_file ) ) )
$this->messages[]['Minifier ERROR'] = dirname( $new_file ) . ' is not writable. Cannot create minified file.';
return false;
//Output gzip data as needed, but default to none
//Lengthy line usage is intentional to provide cleanly formatted fwrite contents
$this->prequel = '';
if( $this->gzip )
$this->prequel = '<?php' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= 'if( extension_loaded( "zlib" ) )' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= '{' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= ' ob_start( "ob_gzhandler" );' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= 'else' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= '{' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= ' ob_start();' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
//Get the actual file type for header
$this->extension = strtolower( pathinfo( $new_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) );
* If gzip is enabled, the .php extension is added automatically
* and must be accounted for to prevent files from being recreated
if( $this->extension != 'php' )
$new_file = $new_file. '.php';
//Close out the php row so we can continue with normal content
$offset = 60 * 60 * 24 * 31;
$this->prequel .= 'header( \'Content-Encoding: gzip\' );' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= 'header( \'Cache-Control: max-age=' . $offset.'\' );' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= 'header( \'Expires: ' . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset ) . ' GMT\' );' . PHP_EOL;
$this->prequel .= 'header( \'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) . ' GMT\' );' . PHP_EOL;
//Add the header content type output for correct rendering
if( $this->extension == 'css' || ( strpos( $new_file, 'css' ) !== false ) )
$this->prequel .= 'header( \'Content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8\' );' . PHP_EOL;
if( $this->extension == 'js' || ( strpos( $new_file, 'js' ) !== false ) )
$this->prequel .= 'header( \'Content-type: application/javascript; charset: UTF-8\' );' . PHP_EOL;
//Close out the php tag that gets written to the file
$this->prequel .= '?>' . PHP_EOL;
} //End if( $this->gzip )
//Single files
if( !is_array( $src_file ) )
$this->filetag = '/**' . PHP_EOL;
$this->filetag .= ' * Filename: '. basename( $src_file ) . PHP_EOL;
$this->filetag .= ' * Generated '.date('Y-m-d'). ' at '. date('h:i:s A') . PHP_EOL;
$this->filetag .= ' */' . PHP_EOL;
$this->content = $this->prequel . $this->filetag . $this->minify_contents( $src_file, $do_minify );
//Strip the directory names from the $src_file array for security
$filenames = array_map( array( 'Minifier', 'strip_directory' ), $src_file );
//Make a temporary var to store the data and write a TOC
$this->compiled = '/**' . PHP_EOL;
$this->compiled .= ' * Table of contents: ' . PHP_EOL;
$this->compiled .= ' * '. implode( PHP_EOL. ' * ', $filenames ) . PHP_EOL;
$this->compiled .= ' * Generated: ' . date( 'Y-m-d h:i:s' ). PHP_EOL;
$this->compiled .= ' */' . PHP_EOL;
//Loop through an array of files to write to the new file
foreach( $src_file as $this->new_file )
* It's relatively safe to assume that remote files being retrieved
* already have minified contents (ie. Google CDN hosted jquery)
* so prevent re-minification, but default to $do_minify = true;
$do_minify = true;
if( $this->remote_file( $this->new_file ) )
//Remote files should not have compressed content
$do_minify = false;
//Add the sourcefile minified content
$this->compiled .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '/* Filename: '. basename( $this->new_file ) . ' */' . PHP_EOL;
$this->compiled .= $this->minify_contents( $this->new_file, $do_minify );
//Write the temporary contents to the full contents
$this->content = trim( $this->prequel . $this->compiled );
//Remove the temporary data
unset( $this->compiled );
} //End $src_file is_array
//Create the new file
$this->handle = fopen( $new_file, 'w' );
//Log any error messages from the new file creation
if( !$this->handle )
$this->messages[]['Minifier ERROR'] = 'Unable to open file: '.$new_file;
return false;
//Write the minified contents to it
fwrite( $this->handle, $this->content );
fclose( $this->handle );
//Log to the console
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: New file'] = 'Successfully created '. $new_file;
//Return filename and location
return $new_file;
} //end make_min()
* Get contents of JS or CSS script, create minified version
* Idea and partial adaptation from:
* Dependent on "make_min" function
* Example usage:
* <script src="<?php $min->minify( 'js/', 'js/script.js', '1.3' ); ?>"></script>
* <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php $min->minify( 'css/style.css', 'css/styles.min.css', '1.8' ); ?>" />
* $min->minify( 'source file', 'output file', 'version' );
* @access public
* @param string $src_file (filename and location for original file)
* @param string $file (filename and location for output file. Empty defaults to [filename].min.[extension])
* @param string $version
* @return string $output_file (includes provided location)
public function minify( $src_file, $file = '', $version = '' )
global $messages;
//Since the $file (output) filename is optional, if empty, just add .min.[ext]
if( empty( $file ) )
//Get the pathinfo
$ext = pathinfo( $src_file );
//Create a new filename
$file = $ext['dirname'] . '/' . $ext['filename'] . '.min.' . $ext['extension'];
//If we have gzip enabled, we must account for the .php extension
if( $this->gzip && ( strtolower( pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) != '.php' ) )
$file .= '.php';
//The source file is remote, and we can't check for an updated version anyway
if( $this->remote_file( $src_file ) && file_exists( $file ) )
$this->output_file = $file;
//The local version doesn't exist, but we don't need to minify
elseif( $this->remote_file( $src_file ) && !file_exists( $file ) )
$this->output_file = $this->make_min( $src_file, $file, false );
//Add the filename to the output log
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: minify'] = 'Retrieving contents of '.$src_file .' to add to '.$file;
//The file already exists and doesn't need to be recreated
elseif( ( file_exists( $file ) && file_exists( $src_file ) ) && ( filemtime( $src_file ) < filemtime( $file ) ) )
//No change, so the output is the same as the input
$this->output_file = $file;
//The file exists, but the development version is newer
elseif( ( file_exists( $file ) && file_exists( $src_file ) ) && ( filemtime( $src_file ) > filemtime( $file ) ) )
//Remove the file so we can do a clean recreate
chmod( $file, 0777 );
unlink( $file );
//Make the cached version
$this->output_file = $this->make_min( $src_file, $file );
//Add to the console.log output
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: minify'] = 'Made new version of '.$src_file.' into '.$file;
//The minified file doesn't exist, make one
//Make the cached version
$this->output_file = $this->make_min( $src_file, $file );
//Add to the console.log output if desired
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: minify'] = 'Made new version of '.$src_file.' into '.$file;
//Add the ? params if they exist
if( !empty( $version ) )
$this->output_file .= '?v='. $version;
//Return the output filename or echo
if( $this->print )
echo $this->output_file;
return $this->output_file;
} //end minify()
* Get the contents of js or css files, minify, and merge into a single file
* Example usage:
* <?php
* require_once( 'class.magic-min.php' );
* $min = new Minifier();
* ?>
* <script src="<?php $min->merge( '[output folder]/[output filename.js]', '[directory]', '[type(js or css)]', array( '[filetoignore]', '[filetoignore]' ) ); ?>"></script>
* <script src="<?php $min->merge( 'js/one-file-merged.js', 'js', 'js', array( 'js/inline-edit.js', 'js/autogrow.js' ) ); ?>"></script>
* @access public
* @param string $output_filename
* @param string $directory to loop through
* @param mixed $list_or_type (css, js, selective - default is js)
**** $list_or_type will also accept "selective" array which overrides glob and only includes specified files
**** $list_or_type array passed files are included in order, and no other files will be included
**** files must all be the same type in order to prevent eronious output contents (js and css do not mix)
* @param array $exclude files to exclude
* @param array $order to specify output order
* @return string new filenae
public function merge( $output_filename, $directory, $list_or_type = 'js', $exclude = array(), $order = array() )
global $messages;
* Added selective inclusion to override glob and exclusion 13-Jun-2013 ala Ray Beriau
* This assumes the user has passed an array of filenames, in order rather than a file type
* By doing so, we'll set the directory to indicate no contents, and priorize directly into $order
if( is_array( $list_or_type ) && !empty( $list_or_type ) )
//Direct the directory to be an empty array
$this->directory = array();
//Utilize the $order variable
$order = $list_or_type;
//Open the directory for looping and seek out files of appropriate type
$this->directory = glob( $directory .'/*.'.$list_or_type );
* Reassign the $output_filename if gzip is enabled as we must account for the .php
* extension in order to prevent the file from being recreated
if( $this->gzip && ( strtolower( pathinfo( $output_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) != '.php' ) )
$output_filename .= '.php';
//Create a bool to determine if a new file needs to be created
$this->create_new = false;
//Start the array of files to add to the cache
$this->compilation = array();
//Determine if a specific order is needed, if so remove only those files from glob seek
if( !empty( $order ) )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: Merge order'] = 'Order specified with '. count( $order ) .' files';
foreach( $order as $this->file )
//Check each file for modification greater than the output file if it exists
if( file_exists( $output_filename ) && ( $this->file != $output_filename ) && ( !$this->remote_file( $this->file ) ) && ( filemtime( $this->file ) > filemtime( $output_filename ) ) )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: New File Flagged'] = 'Flagged for update by '. $this->file;
$this->create_new = true;
//Add the specified files to the beginning of the use array passed to $this->make_min
$this->compilation[] = $this->file;
//Now remove the same files from the glob directory
$this->directory = array_diff( $this->directory, $this->compilation );
} //End !empty( $order )
//Loop through the directory grabbing files along the way
foreach( $this->directory as $this->file )
//Make sure we didn't want to exclude this file before adding it
if( !in_array( $this->file, $exclude ) && ( $this->file != $output_filename ) )
//Check each file for modification greater than the output file if it exists
if( file_exists( $output_filename ) && ( !$this->remote_file( $this->file ) ) && ( filemtime( $this->file ) > filemtime( $output_filename ) ) )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: New File Flagged'] = 'Flagged for update by '. $this->file;
$this->create_new = true;
$this->compilation[] = $this->file;
} //End foreach( $this->directory )
//Only recreate the file as needed
if( $this->create_new || !file_exists( $output_filename ) )
//Group and minify the contents
$this->compressed = $this->make_min( $this->compilation, $output_filename );
$this->compressed = $output_filename;
//Echo or return
if( $this->print )
echo $this->compressed;
return $this->compressed;
} //end merge()
* Output any return data to the javascript console/source of page
* Usage (assuming minifier is initiated as $minifier):
* <?php $minifier->logs(); ?>
* @param none
* @return string
public function logs()
global $messages;
//Add the timer the console.log output if desired
if( $this->timer )
$this->messages[]['Minifier Log: timer'] = 'MagicMin processed and loaded in '. ( microtime( true ) - $this->mtime ) .' seconds';
if( !empty( $this->messages ) )
echo '<script>';
foreach( $this->messages as $this->data )
foreach( $this->data as $this->type => $this->output )
echo 'console.log("'.$this->type .' : '. $this->output.'");' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</script>';
} //end !empty( $this-messages )
} //end logs()
} //End class Minifier
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