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Created September 7, 2018 05:03
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* Step 0) Add a clear descriptive title block at the top of your robot code
* Example Title block follows:
* Title: 2018 Fun-Robo Simple Arduino Robot Controller (ENGR3390 Tutorial 4)
* Description: This structure template contains a SENSE-THINK-ACT data flow to
* allow a Robot to perform a sequence of meta-behaviors in soft-real-time based on direct
* text commands from a human operator.
* Robot Name?: ***add name here** Example; TutorialBot 1
* What does code do?: ****give a short description of what code does*** Example; poll operator,
* carry out operator text input, loop indefinitely
* Hardware warnings: Turn e-stop motor power on AFTER starting this code
* Created by D.Barrett June 2018
* *******************************************************************************/
// TODO: Add directions for future work on code here in this section
// Example: TODO: add sensors to sense section, add motors to act section
// Load supporting Arduino Libraries
#include <Servo.h>
//example of loading ServoMotors library
// Create and initialize global variables, objects and constants (containers for all data)
const int aliveLED = 13; //create a name for "robot alive" blinky light pin
const int eStopPin = 12; //create a name for pin connected to ESTOP switch
boolean aliveLEDState = true; //create a name for alive blinky light state to be used with timer
boolean ESTOP = true;
//create a name for Emergency stop of all motors
boolean realTimeRunStop = true; //create a name for real time control loop flag
String command = "stop "; //create a String object name for operator command string
String loopError = "no error"; //create a String for the real time control loop error system
unsigned long oldLoopTime = 0; //create a name for past loop time in milliseconds
unsigned long newLoopTime = 0; //create a name for new loop time in milliseconds
unsigned long cycleTime = 0; //create a name for elapsed loop cycle time
const long controlLoopInterval = 1000; //create a name for control loop cycle time in milliseconds
// Startup code to configure robot and pretest all robot functionality (to run once)
// and code to setup robot mission for launch.
void setup()
// Step 1) Put your robot setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(aliveLED, OUTPUT); // initialize aliveLED pin as an output
pinMode(eStopPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // use internal pull-up on ESTOP switch input pin
// start serial communications
Serial.println("Robot Controller Starting Up! Watch your fingers!");
// Step 2)Put your robot mission setup code here, to run once:
// Add mission setup code here
// Flight code to run continuously until robot is powered down
void loop()
// Step 3) Put Operator-Input-to-Robot and Robot-Reports-Back-State code in non-real-time "outer" loop:
// Put real-time dependant sense-think-act control in the inner loop
// GET Operator Control Unit (OCU) Input: ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu------------
command = getOperatorInput();
// get operator input from serial monitor
if (command == "stop")
realTimeRunStop = false;
// skip real time inner loop
realTimeRunStop = true;
// Set loop flag to run = true
// 4) Put your main flight code into "inner" soft-real-time while loop structure below, to run repeatedly,
// at a known fixed "real-time" periodic interval. This "soft real-time" loop timimg structure, runs
// fast flight control code once every controlLoopInterval.
// real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******
// real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******
while (realTimeRunStop == true) {
// if OCU-Stop not commanded, run control loop
// Check if operator inputs a command during real-time loop eecution
if (Serial.available() > 0)
// check to see if operator typed at OCU
realTimeRunStop = false; // if OCU input typed, stop control loop
command = Serial.readString(); // read command string to clear buffer
break; // break out of real-time loop
realTimeRunStop = true;
// if no operator input, run real-time loop
// Real-Time clock control. Check to see if one clock cycle has elapsed before running this control code
newLoopTime = millis();
// get current Arduino time (50 days till wrap)
if (newLoopTime - oldLoopTime >= controlLoopInterval) { // if true run flight code
oldLoopTime = newLoopTime;
// reset time stamp
// toggle blinky alive light
// TODO add sensor code here
// THINK think---think---think---think---think---think---think---think---think---think---think---------
// pick robot behavior based on operator input command typed at console
if (command == "stop")
Serial.println("Stop Robot");
realTimeRunStop = false;
//exit real time control loop
else if (command == "move")
//Move robot to Operator commanded position
Serial.println("Move robot ");
Serial.println("Type stop to stop robot");
realTimeRunStop = true;
//don't exit loop after running once
else if (command == "idle")
//Make robot alive with small motions
Serial.println("Idle Robot");
Serial.println("Type stop to stop robot");
realTimeRunStop = true;
//run loop continually
Serial.println("***** WARNING *******Invalid Input, Robot Stopped, Please try again!");
realTimeRunStop = false;
// ACT-act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act------------
ESTOP = digitalRead(eStopPin);
// check ESTOP switch
// Check to see if all code ran successfully in one real-time increment
cycleTime = millis() - newLoopTime;
// calculate loop execution time
if (cycleTime > controlLoopInterval)
Serial.println("error - real time has failed, stop robot!"); // loop took too long to run
Serial.print(" 1000 ms real-time loop took = ");
// print loop time
// break out of real-time inner loop
} // end of "if (newLoopTime - oldLoopTime >= controlLoopInterval)" real-time loop structure
} // end of "inner" "while(realTimeRunStop == true)" real-time control loop
// real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******
// real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******real-time-loop******
// SEND Robot State to Operator Control Unit-(OCU) ocu--- ocu-- ocu--- ocu--- ocu--- ocu-- -ocu--
Serial.println("| Robot control loop stopping to wait for new command ");
// send robot status
if (ESTOP == true)
Serial.println("| Robot motors E-Stopped by external switch"); // send E-Stop
} // end of "outer" void loop()
// END OF Flight Code
// Functions for each section of above code
// Please note: Except for very simple cases, it would be better to place all of these functions in a
// myRobotControlFuctions.h file and #include it at start of program to keep robot flight code brief
// More on creating header *.h files later in the course
// Functions for setup code
// Functions for flight code
// Realtime loop functions loop---loop---loop---loop---loop---loop---loop---loop---loop---loop----
void blinkAliveLED()
// This function toggles state of aliveLED blinky light LED
// if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
if (aliveLEDState == LOW)
aliveLEDState = HIGH;
aliveLEDState = LOW;
// set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
digitalWrite(aliveLED, aliveLEDState);
// OCU functions ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu---ocu------------
String getOperatorInput()
// This function prints operator command options on the serial console and prompts
// operator to input desired robot command
Serial.println(" ");
Serial.println("| Robot Behavior-Commands: move(moves robot), stop(e-stops motors), idle(robot idles) |");
Serial.println("| |");
Serial.println("| Please type desired robot behavior in command line at top of this window |");
Serial.println("| and then press SEND button. |");
while (Serial.available()==0) {};
// do nothing until operator input typed
command = Serial.readString();
// read command string
Serial.print("| New robot behavior command is: ");
// give command feedback to operator
Serial.println("| Type 'stop' to stop control loop and wait for new command |");
return command;
// SENSE functions sense---sense---sense---sense---sense---sense---sense---sense---sense---
// place sense functions here
// THINK functions think---think---think---think---think---think---think---think---think---
// place think functions here
// ACT functions act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---act---
// place act functions here
// END of Functions
// END OF Robot Control CODE
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